javascript - 从 JavaScript 对象数组中生成 json

标签 javascript php json

我有一个带有很多属性和方法的 JavaScript 对象,我希望将其发送到 php 文件。为此,我想将其转换为 Json 数据。

但由于复杂对象的类,我只是无法理解应该如何使用 json.stringify 来执行此操作。

对象看起来像这样。我有一个必须通过 ajax 发送的对象数组。


var PhotoFile = function(clientFileHandle){
     PhotoFile.count = PhotoFile.count  + 1;
        this.specificClass = "no-" + PhotoFile.count;
        this.checkbox = null;
        this.attributes = [];
        this.file = clientFileHandle;
        this.fileExtension = null;
        //meta data
        this.meta = null;
        this.orientation = null;
        this.oDateTime = null;
        this.maxWidth = 150;
        this.maxHeight = 100;
        //raw data
        this.imgData = null;
        this.imgDataWidth = null;
        this.imgDataHeight = null;
        this.checkSum1 = null;
        this.checkSum2 = null;
        //DOM stuff
        this.domElement = null;
        this.imgElement = null;
        this.loadProgressBar = null;
        this.uploadProgressBar = null;
        this.imageContainer = null;
        this.attributeContainer = null;
        this.indexInGlobalArray = -1;
        this.metaLoaded = false;
        this.startedLoading = false;
        this.finishedLoading = false;
        this.needsUploading = true;

        this.imageDisplayed = false;
        this.onFinishedLoading = function () {};
        this.onFinishedUploading = function () {console.log('Called default end '};
    ..... plus other methods.




function SomeObject() {
    this.serializeThis = 'serializeThis';
    this.dontSerializeThis = 'dontSerializeThis';

SomeObject.prototype.toSerializable = function () {
    //You can use a generic solution like below
    return subsetOf(this, ['serializeThis']);

    //Or a hard-coded version
    // return { serializeThis: this.serializeThis };

//The generic property extraction algorithm would need to be more complex
//to deep-filter objects.
function subsetOf(obj, props) {
    return (props || []).reduce(function (subset, prop) {
        subset[prop] = obj[prop];
        return subset;
    }, {});

var o = new SomeObject();

JSON.stringify(o.toSerializable()); //{"serializeThis":"serializeThis"}


但是,通常可以做的一件事是限制内部泄漏,即实现属性 getters .

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