javascript - Knockout Components ,模板已经注入(inject)到该元素中,但尚未绑定(bind)

标签 javascript knockout.js knockout-3.0 knockout-components

来自Knockoutjs Docs我不明白这句话:

ko.components.register('my-component', {
viewModel: {
    createViewModel: function(params, componentInfo) {
        // - 'params' is an object whose key/value pairs are the parameters
        //   passed from the component binding or custom element
        // - 'componentInfo.element' is the element the component is being
        //   injected into. When createViewModel is called, the template has
        //   already been injected into this element, but isn't yet bound.

        // Return the desired view model instance, e.g.:
        return new MyViewModel(params);
template: ...



<span class="foo" data-bind="text: 'foo'"></span>

句子“模板已被注入(inject)此元素,但尚未绑定(bind)”描述了给定组件的 DOM 状态。 (在 createViewModel 函数的上下文中又称为 componentInfo.element)

通过绑定(bind)组件的过程,组件的 DOM 如下所示:



将模板注入(inject)到组件中之后,但在绑定(bind)发生之前:(这是调用 createViewModel 时 DOM 的状态,因此有注释)

    <span class="foo" data-bind="text: 'foo'">

绑定(bind)发生后:(这只能在 creteViewModel 返回 ViewModel 之后发生)

    <span class="foo" data-bind="text: 'foo'">

跨度在最后一步中仅包含文本,因为现已应用绑定(bind),并且 text 绑定(bind)已将文本添加到组件。


该注释旨在表明 DOM 处于第二状态,这意味着如果您愿意,您可以通过 createViewModel 函数操作组件的 DOM 元素,尽管 KO 文档建议反对它:

Note that, typically, it’s best to perform direct DOM manipulation only through custom bindings rather than acting on componentInfo.element from inside createViewModel

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