javascript - “”延迟触发?

标签 javascript jquery twitter-bootstrap

var switchProductDetailsToCartModal = function (target){
    $('#productDetailsModal').modal('hide'); // '' was not triggered here


//'' handler triggered here and carousel steel cycling

$(function() {
    $('#productDetailsModal').on('', function (){

这是正常行为吗?无论如何,如何在 modal('hide') 之后立即触发 '' 处理程序?

jquery-1.11.3, Bootstrap 3


您需要使用不同的事件,。这将在调用 hide 后立即触发:

$('#productDetailsModal').on('', function (){

来自 Bootstrap docs : - This event is fired immediately when the hide instance method has been called. - This event is fired when the modal has finished being hidden from the user (will wait for CSS transitions to complete).

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