Javascript promise 深入堆栈

标签 javascript promise

我决定在创建模型时对服务器进行回退调用,以防我们无法从本地可用信息中找到值。如果可能的话,我想让它异步,这是否意味着我必须让这个代码链中的所有内容消耗并返回 promise ?


function router() {
    if (condition) {

controller.renderDocument(options) {

documentCollection.findOrCreateDocumentHolder(options) {
    var model = this.findOrCreateDocument(options);

documentCollection.otherFunction(options) {
    // just to illustrate that there's several entry points to this kind of functionality
    var model = this.findOrCreateDocument(options);

documentCollection.findOrCreateDocument(options) {
    if (!options.type)
        options.type = resolveType(options);
    // other things that use the found options.type
    return model;

resolveType(options) {
    var locallyResolved = resolveLocally(options);
    if (locallyResolved)
        return locallyResolved;
    // try the server as a fallback
    var serverResolved = resolveFromServer(;
    return serverResolved;

resolveLocally(options) {
    return stuff;

resolveFromServer(id) {
    return ajaxRequestResult();


为了 1 个可能的 ajax 请求而使用所有这些链接 promise 感觉有点过分,特别是因为这种情况很少发生。另一种选择是仅发出同步 AJAX 请求。

我唯一的选择是让一切都使用 Promise 和 Whens,还是使其成为同步 AJAX 请求?有更好的选择吗?我正在考虑 C# 的 wait 关键字,但我确信其他语言也有类似的功能。


I want to have it async if possible, does it mean I have to make everything in this chain of code consume and return promises?

是的。潜在异步的东西必须始终返回一个 promise ,并且必须始终像异步一样使用(无论如何 promise 都会强制执行此操作)。

Is the only other alternative to just make a synchronous AJAX request?


Is there a nicer alternative? I'm thinking of C#'s await keyword, but I'm sure other languages have similar functionality.

事实上,async-await is coming to ECMAScript以及。但它并不使任何东西同步,它只是无处不在的 Promise 的语法糖。

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