javascript - 无法在 PHP AJAX 请求中发送文件

标签 javascript php jquery ajax

我无法在 PHP AJAX 请求中发送文件:


<form class="frmContact" action="#" method="post">
                  <div class="col-md-6">  
                     <input type="hidden" name="emailTo" id="emailTo" value="">     
                     <input type="text" placeholder="Name" name="txtName" id="txtName">
                     <input type="email" placeholder="Email" name="txtEmail" id="txtEmail">
                     <input type="text" placeholder="Subject" name="txtSubject" id="txtSubject">

                     <input type="file" placeholder="Text File" name="txtFile" id="txtFile" />

                  <div class="col-md-6">  
                     <textarea placeholder="Message" cols="40" rows="10" name="txtText" id="txtText"></textarea>
                     <button class="btnSend" type="button">Send Your Message</button>
                     <span id="spanMessage"></span>

Ajax 代码:

        url: "includes/mail.php", // Url to which the request is send
        type: "POST",             // Type of request to be send, called as method
        data: new FormData(this), // Data sent to server, a set of key/value pairs (i.e. form fields and values)
        contentType: false,       // The content type used when sending data to the server.
        cache: false,             // To unable request pages to be cached
        processData:false,        // To send DOMDocument or non processed data file it is set to false
        success: function(data)   // A function to be called if request succeeds

PHP 代码:

echo '<pre>'; print_r($_REQUEST); print_r($_FILES);  die;




使用 jQuery jQuery v1.11.2




<form class="frmContact" action="#" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

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