c++ - 更新双操作是原子的

标签 c++ visual-c++

在 Java 中,更新 double 和 long 变量可能不是原子的,因为 double/long 被视为两个独立的 32 位变量。


在 C++ 中,如果我使用 32 位 Intel 处理器 + Microsoft Visual C++ 编译器,更新双(8 字节)操作是原子的吗?



线程 A 试图将 1 写入变量 x。 线程 B 试图将 2 写入变量 x。

我们将从变量 x 中获取值 1 或 2,但不是未定义的值。


这是特定于硬件的,取决于架构。对于 x86 和 x86_64,8 字节写入或读取保证是原子的,如果它们对齐的话。引用自英特尔架构内存订购白皮书:

Intel 64 memory ordering guarantees that for each of the following memory-access instructions, the constituent memory operation appears to execute as a single memory access regardless of memory type:

  1. Instructions that read or write a single byte.

  2. Instructions that read or write a word (2 bytes) whose address is aligned on a 2 byte boundary.

  3. Instructions that read or write a doubleword (4 bytes) whose address is aligned on a 4 byte boundary.

  4. Instructions that read or write a quadword (8 bytes) whose address is aligned on an 8 byte boundary.

All locked instructions (the implicitly locked xchg instruction and other read-modify-write instructions with a lock prefix) are an indivisible and uninterruptible sequence of load(s) followed by store(s) regardless of memory type and alignment.

关于c++ - 更新双操作是原子的,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1292786/


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