javascript - Aurelia Babel 未知选项 base.modules 错误

标签 javascript node.js gulp babeljs aurelia

我从Aurelia docs下载了骨架项目并尝试使用以下命令启动它:

gulp watch


[09:48:13] gulp-notify: [Error running Gulp] Error: [BABEL] <filelocation>: Unknown option: base.modules



您是否遵循文档页面或 project's 中的完整项目设置说明? ?

Running The App

To run the app, follow these steps.

  1. Ensure that NodeJS is installed. This provides the platform on which the build tooling runs.
  2. From the project folder, execute the following command:

    npm install

  3. Ensure that Gulp is installed globally. If you need to install it, use the following command:

    npm install -g gulp

  4. Ensure that jspm is installed globally. If you need to install it, use the following command:

    npm install -g jspm

  5. Install the client-side dependencies with jspm:

    jspm install -y

  6. To run the app, execute the following command:

    gulp watch

  7. Browse to http://localhost:9000 to see the app. You can make changes in the code found under src and the browser should auto-refresh itself as you save files.

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