javascript - 如何为 Canvas 的drawImage方法实现SVG的preserveAspectRatio ="xMinYMin slice"。

标签 javascript canvas svg html5-canvas

是否有解决方法可以在 Canvas 中为drawImage()方法实现SVG的preserveAspectRatio =“xMinYMin slice”?


Ken's answer在标记为重复的答案中,如果您像 drawImageProp(ctx, img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, 0, 0) 那样调用它,则确实会执行与 xMinYMin slice 相同的操作)

但是对于那些想要完全实现 svg 的 preserveAspectRatio 属性的人来说,这里有一个:

它确实按照 drawImage() 方法的请求返回一个具有 sx,sy,sw,sh,dx,dy,dw,dh 的对象。

	var preserveAspectRatio = function(source, destination, userString) {

	  var srcWidth = source.width,
	    srcHeight = source.height,
	    destinationW = destination.width,
	    destinationH = destination.height;

	  // we should keep the whole source
	  var aRMeet = function(args) {

	    var srcRatio = (srcHeight / srcWidth),
	      destRatio = (destinationH / destinationW),

	      resultWidth = destRatio > srcRatio ? destinationW : destinationH / srcRatio,
	      resultHeight = destRatio > srcRatio ? destinationW * srcRatio : destinationH;

	    var getPos = function(arg, res, dest) {

	      var max = Math.max(res, dest),
	        min = Math.min(res, dest);

	      switch (arg) {
	        case 'Min': return 0;
	        case 'Mid': return (max - min) / 2;
	        case 'Max': return max - min;
	        default:    return 'invalid';

	    var obj = {
	      img: returnedImg,
	      sx: 0,
	      sy: 0,
	      swidth: srcWidth,
	      sheight: srcHeight,
	      dx: getPos(args[0], resultWidth, destinationW),
	      dy: getPos(args[1], resultHeight, destinationH),
	      dwidth: resultWidth,
	      dheight: resultHeight

	    if (obj[5] === 'invalid' || obj[6] === 'invalid') {
	      return default_obj;

	    return obj;

	  // we should slice the larger part
	  var aRSlice = function(args) {

	    var resultWidth, resultHeight;

	    var a = function() {
	      resultWidth = destinationW;
	      resultHeight = srcHeight * destinationW / srcWidth;

	    var b = function() {
	      resultWidth = srcWidth * destinationH / srcHeight;
	      resultHeight = destinationH;

	    if (destinationW > destinationH) {
	      if (destinationH > resultHeight) {
	    } else if (destinationW === destinationH) {
	      if (srcWidth > srcHeight) {
	      } else {
	    } else {
	      if (destinationW > resultWidth) {

	    var getPos = function(arg, res, dest, src) {
	      switch (arg) {
	        case 'Min': return 0;
	        case 'Mid': return (res - dest) / 2 * src / res;
	        case 'Max': return (res - dest) * src / res;
	        default: return 'invalid';

	    var x = getPos(args[0], resultWidth, destinationW, srcWidth);
	    var y = getPos(args[1], resultHeight, destinationH, srcHeight);

	    var obj = {
	      img: returnedImg,
	      sx: x,
	      sy: y,
	      swidth: srcWidth - x,
	      sheight: srcHeight - y,
	      dx: 0,
	      dy: 0,
	      dwidth: resultWidth - (x * (resultWidth / srcWidth)),
	      dheight: resultHeight - (y * (resultHeight / srcHeight)),

	    if (obj[1] === 'invalid' || obj[2] === 'invalid') {
	      return default_obj;

	    return obj;

	  // check if the object passed was drawable over a canvas
	  var returnedImg = source.nodeName === 'IMG' || source.nodeName === 'VIDEO' || source.nodeName === 'CANVAS' ? source : null;

	  // if an invalid string or none is set as the preserveAspectRatio, this should be considered as "xMidYMid meet"
	  var default_obj = aRMeet(['Mid', 'Mid']);

	  if (!userString) {
	    return default_obj;
	  } else {

	    var args = userString.trim().split(' '),
	      minMidMax = args[0].replace('x', '').split('Y');

	    switch (args[args.length - 1]) {
	      case "meet":  return aRMeet(minMidMax);
	      case "slice": return aRSlice(minMidMax);
	      default:      return default_obj;

	 //  Snippet code 

	var images = [new Image(), new Image(), new Image()];
	var img = images[0];
	var selects = document.querySelectorAll('select');

	var ctxL = outputLandscape.getContext('2d');
	var ctxP = outputPortrait.getContext('2d');
	var ctxS = outputSquare.getContext('2d');

	var update = function() {
	  ctxL.clearRect(0, 0, outputLandscape.width, outputLandscape.height);
	  ctxP.clearRect(0, 0, outputPortrait.width, outputPortrait.height);
	  ctxS.clearRect(0, 0, outputSquare.width, outputSquare.height);

	  var aspectRatioStr = 'x' + selects[0].value + 'Y' + selects[1].value + ' ' + selects[2].value;

	  var p = preserveAspectRatio(img, outputPortrait, aspectRatioStr);
	  ctxP.drawImage(p.img,,, p.swidth, p.sheight, p.dx, p.dy, p.dwidth, p.dheight);

	  var l = preserveAspectRatio(img, outputLandscape, aspectRatioStr);
	  ctxL.drawImage(l.img,,, l.swidth, l.sheight, l.dx, l.dy, l.dwidth, l.dheight);

	  var s = preserveAspectRatio(img, outputSquare, aspectRatioStr);
	  ctxS.drawImage(s.img,,, s.swidth, s.sheight, s.dx, s.dy, s.dwidth, s.dheight);

	  svgImagePortrait.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', aspectRatioStr);
	  svgImageLandscape.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', aspectRatioStr);
	  svgImageSquare.setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', aspectRatioStr);

	for (var i = 0; i < selects.length - 1; i++) {
	  selects[i].onchange = update;
	selects[3].onchange = function() {
	  img = images[+this.value];
	  svgImagePortrait.setAttributeNS('', 'href', img.src);
	  svgImageLandscape.setAttributeNS('', 'href', img.src);
	  svgImageSquare.setAttributeNS('', 'href', img.src);


	img.onload = function() {
	  svgImagePortrait.setAttributeNS('', 'href', this.src);
	  svgImageLandscape.setAttributeNS('', 'href', this.src);
	  svgImageSquare.setAttributeNS('', 'href', this.src);


	images[0].src = "";
	images[1].src = "";
	images[2].src = "";
html,body,canvas {
  margin: 0;
  display: block;
  font-size: .9em;
svg,canvas {
  display: inline-block;
canvas {
  border: 1px solid green;
svg {
  border: 1px solid blue;
<select name="x">
  <option value="Min">Min</option>
  <option value="Mid">Mid</option>
  <option value="Max">Max</option>
<select name="Y">
  <option value="Min">Min</option>
  <option value="Mid">Mid</option>
  <option value="Max">Max</option>

<select name="slice_meet">
  <option value="slice">slice</option>
  <option value="meet">meet</option>
image format :
<select name="format">
  <option value="0">portrait</option>
  <option value="1">landscape</option>
  <option value="2">square</option>

<canvas id="outputLandscape" width="280" height="200"></canvas>
<svg width="280" height="200" viewBox="0 0 280 200">
  <image id="svgImageLandscape" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"></image>
<canvas id="outputPortrait" width="200" height="280"></canvas>
<svg width="200" height="280" viewBox="0 0 200 280">
  <image id="svgImagePortrait" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"></image>
<canvas id="outputSquare" width="200" height="200"></canvas>
<svg width="200" height="200" viewBox="0 0 200 200">
  <image id="svgImageSquare" x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"></image>

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