javascript - 数据未绑定(bind)在 View 中

标签 javascript angularjs


<!DOCTYPE html>
            <meta charset="UTF-8">
            <script src=""></script>
            <script type="text/javascript">
                var app = angular.module("sample", []);
                app.controller("emp", function(){
                        this.Name = "jag";
        <body ng-app="sample">
            <div ng-controller="emp">
                Hello {{Name}}


{{ Name }} 表达式不计算。

1) 如何检查 $scope 模型是否绑定(bind)到 View 中的 div 模板?

2) 我了解到作用域位于 DOM。使用指令 ng-controller="emp" 创建 Controller 实例。我可以通过 DOM 访问 Controller (emp)实例和$scope吗?


Use controller as if you are using this instead of $scope. Controllers as classes, we are initializing them(var student = new Student()) using controller as syntax.

var app = angular.module("sample", []);
app.controller("emp", function() {
  this.Name = "jag";
<script src=""></script>

<body ng-app="sample">
  <div ng-controller="emp as e">
    Hello {{e.Name}}


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