javascript - 需要根据 Angular js应用程序中的索引重新排序对象列表

标签 javascript angularjs json

在我的 angularjs 应用程序中,我有以下对象列表。

$scope.itemsList = [
    "setupId": "T_2893",   
    "name" : "abc"

    "setupId": "LBT826",   
    "name" : "xyz"

    "setupId": "LBT1252",
   "name" : "pqr"

    "setupId": "G1252",
   "name" : "dwr"


现在,当我调用 $scope.changeOreder(1, 3) 函数时,它应该根据上一个和下一个索引对对象重新排序。所以列表应该如下。

  $scope.itemsList = [
        "setupId": "T_2893",   
        "name" : "abc"

        "setupId": "LBT1252",
       "name" : "pqr"

        "setupId": "G1252",
       "name" : "dwr"

        "setupId": "LBT826",   
        "name" : "xyz"


现在,如果我调用 $scope.changeOreder(2, 0),新列表应该是,

$scope.itemsList = [
            "setupId": "G1252",
           "name" : "dwr"

            "setupId": "T_2893",   
            "name" : "abc"

            "setupId": "LBT1252",
           "name" : "pqr"

            "setupId": "LBT826",   
            "name" : "xyz"


在我的 $scope.changeOrder 函数中,我尝试了不同的方法,例如备份 prevIndex 处的对象,然后删除 prevIndex 处的对象以插入newIndex 处备份的 obj,但因为我已删除该对象,所以 newIndex 在当前列表中不再有效!!!。像这样,我尝试了不同的方法,但最终的列表没有按照我期望的方式排序。谁能帮我解决这个问题吗?



var items = [
            "setupId": "G1252",
           "name" : "dwr"

            "setupId": "T_2893",   
            "name" : "abc"

            "setupId": "LBT1252",
           "name" : "pqr"

            "setupId": "LBT826",   
            "name" : "xyz"


function moveItem(posA, posB) {
  * If an item is moved from a higher index to a lower index, then we need to
  * remove the current item first, then add it.
  * When moving a item from a low index to a higer index, then we need to add
  * the item first, then delete it.
  var upToDown = posA > posB;

  var itemToMove = items[posA];
  //Make copy first
  var tmpList = items.slice(0); 

  if (!upToDown) {
      //Add item to specified index
    tmpList.splice(posB+1, 0, itemToMove); 

    //Remove the old item
    tmpList.splice(posA, 1); 
  } else { 
    //Remove the old item
    tmpList.splice(posA, 1); 
      //Add item to specified index
    tmpList.splice(posB, 0, itemToMove);

  return tmpList;

var result = moveItem(0, 3); 


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