javascript - 提示方法不起作用?

标签 javascript global-variables prompt local-variables

我的 javascript 似乎很好(.prompt() 和所有内容,甚至是嵌套 if/else 语句的开头),但是当我验证我的 javascript 时,它在第一个提示中显示“语句前预期分号”。


这是代码。性别变量应该只接受 2 个答案:男性和女性。 childh 变量应该接受 0 到 12 之间的任何数字(12 是我的 Angular 色每次怀孕的最大值)。这就是数组或类似的东西可能派上用场的地方,因为这样我可能会遇到导致更多 .prompt() 语句的情况(基本上相当于 12 个 if/else 语句)

function Character() {
  var gender.prompt("What is your gender?");
  if (gender = "Female") {

    var children_h.prompt("Have you had any children recently?");
    if (children_h = "0") {
      var pregnant.prompt("Are you pregnant?");
      if (pregnant = "Yes") {
        var pregnant_m.prompt("Is it a multiple pregnancy?");
        if (pregnant_m = "Yes") {
          var pregnant_t.prompt("How far are you in your pregnancy(trimester)?");
          if (pregnant_t = "1") {
            alert("Expect to feel like you are sick");
          else if (pregnant_t = "2") {
            alert("You might feel some movements");
          else if (pregnant_t = "3") {
            alert("You might feel pain before labor.")
          else {
            alert("Your baby is more than ready. Don't be surprised if you go into labor.")
    else if (children_h = "1") {
      var children_a.prompt("How old is your child?")
    else if (children_h = "2") {
      var chilren_m.prompt("Were they twins or not?")
    else if (children_h = "3") {
      children_m.prompt("Were they twins or triplets?")
    else if (children_h = "4") {
      children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?")
    else if (children_h = "5") {
      children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?")
    else if (children_h = "6") {
      children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?")
    else if (children_h = "7") {
      children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?")
    else if (children_h = "8") {
      children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?")
    else if (children_h = "9") {
      children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?")
    else if (children_h = "10") {
      children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?")
    else if (children_h = "11") {
      children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?")
    else if (children_h = "12") {
      children_m.prompt("Were they multiples?")
    else {
  else if (gender = "Male") {
    childrenh.prompt("Have you had any children recently?");
  else {
    alert("Undefined gender!")
<!DOCTYPE html>

  <link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css' />
  <script src='script.js'></script>

  <p>Take the personality test to find out your character's personality</p>
  <button onclick="Character">Test</button>




我编辑了代码以包含更多 if/else 语句以及通过按钮标记连接到 HTML 的全局函数。它仍然无法正常工作(当您单击按钮时,会出现“字符未定义”(即使我已将函数定义为所有这些 if/else 业务,并在 HTML 中以相同的名称将其放入)并且预期 ; 出现程序启动时启动(我不明白那个特定的 else if 语句有什么问题))。我还没有任何 CSS 代码。

我为此使用 Codecademy,它为所有代码位内置了外部 CSS 和 JS(这就是为什么 script 标签位于 header 中,因为有了它,无论何时调用它,它都应该引用外部 javascript for(就像这个按钮一样,当我完成它时,应该会导致所有这些提示以及更多))。



    var gender.prompt("What is your gender?");
if(gender = "Female"){

   var childrenh.prompt("Have you had any children recently");

var gender = prompt("What is your gender?");
if(gender === "Female"){        
   var children = prompt("Have you had any children recently");

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