javascript - 异步等待单元测试问题

标签 javascript node.js unit-testing ecmascript-6 async-await


import Book from '../model/book';

function bookRepository(db) {
    this.db = db;

bookRepository.prototype.update = async function(id, data) {
    return await Book.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: id }, { $set: data });

export default bookRepository;


import chai from 'chai';
import chaiAsPromised from 'chai-as-promised';
const expect = chai.expect;

import app from '../../server';
import bookRepo from '../../repository/book';
const Book = new bookRepo(app.db);

describe('Test repository: book', () => {

    describe('update', () => {
        let id;
        beforeEach(async() => {
            let book = {
                name: 'Records of the Three Kingdoms',
                type: 'novel',
                description: 'History of the late Eastern Han dynasty (c. 184–220 AD) and the Three Kingdoms period (220–280 AD)',
                author: 'Luo Guanzhong',
                language: 'Chinese'
            let result = await Book.insert(book);
            id = await;
        it('Update successfully', async() => {
            let data = {
                type: 'history',
                author: 'Chen Shou'
            let result = await Book.update(id, data);
            await expect(result)'object');
            await expect(result.type)'history');
            return expect('Chen Shou');



AssertionError: expected 'novel' to equal 'history'
      + expected - actual

当我检查模拟数据库时,它确实更新了数据,但为什么断言失败?完成 await 调用后,它应该已经更新了


findOneAndUpdate方法需要 options作为第三个参数。选项之一是 returnNewDocument: <boolean> 。这是false默认情况下。如果您不将此选项设置为 true然后 MongoDB 更新文档并返回旧文档作为结果。如果将此选项设置为 true然后 MongoDB 返回新的更新文档。

来自官方文档 -

Returns either the original document or, if returnNewDocument: true, the updated document.

因此,在您的更新方法中,进行以下更改 -

return await Book.findOneAndUpdate({ _id: id }, { $set: data }, { returnNewDocument : true });

您可以阅读here .

编辑 - 如果使用mongoose然后使用 {new: true}选项而不是上面的选项 mongoose使用 findAndModifyfindOneAndUpdate下方方法。

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