java - 是什么导致线程 "pool-1-thread-2"中出现异常(NullPointerException)

标签 java multithreading nullpointerexception webserver

我正在创建一个多线程网络服务器。当我运行客户端时,我收到 NullPointException。为什么会发生这种情况以及可以采取什么措施来解决它?

Concerning the suggestions that I should read the mentioned tutorial. I have tried to solve the problem with the help of it. I created a constructor, but then I didn't know how to call the class: theExecutor.execute(new Broadcaster (connection);

I also created a setter: public void setQuestions(String[] questions) { this.questions[1] = questions[1];}

That didn't help either. The String is initialized at the same place as questions[0]. I can print out questions[1] in the console. It get's its value from the ArrayList, but I do not know how to pass that value to the HandleValidation class. That seems to be the problem. If I have missed something in the tutorial that is an obvious solution, please tell me!


Exception in thread "pool-1-thread-2" java.lang.NullPointerException
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$


public class QuizServer {
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {

ExecutorService theExecutor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10000);
    ServerSocket quizSocket = new ServerSocket(serverPort);

    try {
        while (true) {  //Skriver ut While True
            Socket connection = quizSocket.accept();
            theExecutor.execute(new Broadcaster(connection));
            theExecutor.execute(new HandlleValidation(connection));

字符串问题[1]的起源位于 Broadcaster 类中:

我正在使用 get 和 set 方法来使其他内部类能够使用

String questions[];

static class Broadcaster extends Thread {

    String quizFile = "src/qa.txt";
    private Socket connection;

    private PrintStream write;
    private String answer;
    private String questions[];
    int points = 0;

    public String[] getQuestions() {
        return questions;

Here are the Strings questions[0] and questions[1]created:

while (true) {

                    for (String string : questionsList) {
                        String[] questions = string.split("/");
                        write.println(questions[0]);  //Printing out in client.
                        try {
                            Thread.sleep(4000); //"Sleeping" between the lines.
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

NullPointerException 发生在 HandleValidation 类中:

class HandlleValidation extends Thread {


  if (answer.equals(questions[1])) {
                writer.println("RÄTT SVAR! Du har " + points + " poäng");


public void setQuestions(String[] questions) {
    this.questions = questions;

I have tried to include as little of the code as possible to describe the problem. I may be able to give more information if requested!


我在 for (String string: questionsList) { 的上下文中看到该变量,并且在另一个时刻您在 if (answer.equals (questions [1])) {:即在其他上下文中,在其他范围内。

我的建议是将该变量声明在 for 范围之外。

关于java - 是什么导致线程 "pool-1-thread-2"中出现异常(NullPointerException),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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