java - Spring数据初始化问题

标签 java spring-boot spring-data

我有一个 Spring Boot 应用程序。我有一个配置服务应用程序,它为我的应用程序提供所有配置。我创建了一个客户端,它提取应用程序的所有设置并将它们放入上下文中。 我创建了执行此工作的 java 类:

public class ContextConfiguration {

    public void getContextConfiguration(){
        ConfigServiceResponse configurations = configurationServiceClient.getConfigurations(configurationEnv);
        Properties properties = generateProperties(configurations.getConfigParameterList());

        MutablePropertySources propertySources = env.getPropertySources();

        propertySources.addFirst(new PropertiesPropertySource("APPLICATION_PROPERTIES", properties));


public class PersistentConfiguration {

    private String serverDbURL;

    private String serverDbUser;

    private String serverDbPassword;

    public DataSource dataSource() {
        return new SingleConnectionDataSource(serverDbURL, serverDbUser, serverDbPassword, true);

通过此配置,应用程序运行良好。直到我迁移到 Spring Data。我刚刚添加了对 Gradle 配置的依赖:



Error creating bean with name 'persistentConfiguration': Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Could not resolve placeholder 'db.url' in value "${db.url}




为了让 Spring 知道它应该首先处理您的 ContextConfiguration,请添加 DependsOn annotation像这样的PersistentConfiguration:

public class PersistentConfiguration {

问题是,PersistentConfiguration 中没有任何内容告诉 Spring 它依赖于 ContextConfiguration,尽管它确实依赖于 ContextConfiguration,因为前者使用仅由后者初始化的变量。

这正是 DependsOn 的用途。来自 JavaDoc:

Any beans specified are guaranteed to be created by the container before this bean. Used infrequently in cases where a bean does not explicitly depend on another through properties or constructor arguments, but rather depends on the side effects of another bean's initialization.

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