java - 如何等待任何工作线程完成?

标签 java multithreading

我想要一个调度程序线程来执行工作线程池并检索结果。调度程序需要不断地将工作提供给工作线程。当任何工作线程完成时,调度程序需要收集其结果并重新分派(dispatch)(或创建新的)工作线程。在我看来,这应该是显而易见的,但我一直无法找到合适模式的示例。 Thread.join() 循环是不够的,因为这实际上是“AND”逻辑,而我正在寻找“OR”逻辑。

我能想到的最好办法是让调度程序线程 wait() 并在完成时让工作线程 notify() 。虽然看起来我必须防止两个工作线程同时结束,导致调度程序线程错过 notify()。另外,这对我来说似乎有点不优雅。

更不优雅的是调度程序线程定期唤醒并轮询工作线程池并检查每个线程以查看它是否已通过 isAlive() 完成。

我查看了 java.util.concurrent 并没有看到任何看起来符合此模式的内容。


这是单线程版本。 putMissingToS3() 将成为调度程序线程,而 uploadFileToBucket() 中表示的功能将成为工作线程。

private void putMissingToS3()
    int reqFilesToUpload = 0;
    long reqSizeToUpload = 0L;

    int totFilesUploaded = 0;
    long totSizeUploaded = 0L;
    int totFilesSkipped = 0;
    long totSizeSkipped = 0L;

    int rptLastFilesUploaded = 0;
    long rptSizeInterval = 1000000000L;
    long rptLastSize = 0L;
    StopWatch rptTimer = new StopWatch();
    long rptLastMs = 0L;

    StopWatch globalTimer = new StopWatch();
    StopWatch indvTimer = new StopWatch();

    for (FileSystemRecord fsRec : fileSystemState.toList())
        String reqKey = PathConverter.pathToKey(PathConverter.makeRelativePath(fileSystemState.getRootPath(), fsRec.getFullpath()));

        LocalS3MetadataRecord s3Rec = s3Metadata.getRecord(reqKey);

        // Just get a rough estimate of what the size of this upload will be 
        if (s3Rec == null)
            reqSizeToUpload += fsRec.getSize();

    long uploadTimeGuessMs = (long)((double)reqSizeToUpload/estUploadRateBPS*1000.0);

    printAndLog("Estimated upload: " + natFmt.format(reqFilesToUpload) + " files, " + Utils.readableFileSize(reqSizeToUpload) + 
            ", Estimated time " + Utils.readableElapsedTime(uploadTimeGuessMs));

    for (FileSystemRecord fsRec : fileSystemState.toList())
        String reqKey = PathConverter.pathToKey(PathConverter.makeRelativePath(fileSystemState.getRootPath(), fsRec.getFullpath()));

        if (PathConverter.validate(reqKey))
            LocalS3MetadataRecord s3Rec = s3Metadata.getRecord(reqKey);

            //TODO compare and deal with size mismatches.  Maybe go and look at last-mod dates.
            if (s3Rec == null)
                uploadFileToBucket(s3, syncParms.getS3Bucket(), fsRec.getFullpath(), reqKey);

                totSizeUploaded += fsRec.getSize();

                logOnly("Uploaded: Size=" + fsRec.getSize() + ", " + indvTimer.stopDeltaMs() + " ms, File=" + fsRec.getFullpath() + ", toKey=" + reqKey);

                if (totSizeUploaded > rptLastSize + rptSizeInterval)
                    long invSizeUploaded = totSizeUploaded - rptLastSize;

                    long nowMs = rptTimer.intervalMs();
                    long invElapMs = nowMs - rptLastMs;
                    long remSize = reqSizeToUpload - totSizeUploaded;
                    double progessPct = (double)totSizeUploaded/reqSizeToUpload*100.0;
                    double mbps = (invElapMs > 0) ? invSizeUploaded/1e6/(invElapMs/1000.0) : 0.0;
                    long remMs = (long)((double)remSize/((double)invSizeUploaded/invElapMs));

                    printOnly("Progress: " + d2Fmt.format(progessPct) + "%, " + Utils.readableFileSize(totSizeUploaded) + " of " + 
                            Utils.readableFileSize(reqSizeToUpload) + ", Rate " + d3Fmt.format(mbps) + " MB/s, " + 
                            "Time rem " + Utils.readableElapsedTime(remMs));

                    rptLastMs = nowMs;
                    rptLastFilesUploaded = totFilesUploaded;
                    rptLastSize = totSizeUploaded;
            totSizeSkipped += fsRec.getSize();

            logOnly("Skipped (Invalid chars): Size=" + fsRec.getSize() + ", " + fsRec.getFullpath() + ", toKey=" + reqKey);




    double mbps = 0.0;

    if (globalTimer.stopDeltaMs() > 0)
        mbps = totSizeUploaded/1e6/(globalTimer.stopDeltaMs()/1000.0);

    printAndLog("Actual upload: " + natFmt.format(totFilesUploaded) + " files, " + Utils.readableFileSize(totSizeUploaded) + 
            ", Time " + Utils.readableElapsedTime(globalTimer.stopDeltaMs()) + ", Rate " + d3Fmt.format(mbps) + " MB/s");

    if (totFilesSkipped > 0)
        printAndLog("Skipped Files: " + natFmt.format(totFilesSkipped) + " files, " + Utils.readableFileSize(totSizeSkipped)); 

private void uploadFileToBucket(AmazonS3 amazonS3, String bucketName, String filePath, String fileKey)
    File inFile = new File(filePath);

    ObjectMetadata objectMetadata = new ObjectMetadata();
    objectMetadata.addUserMetadata(Const.LAST_MOD_KEY, Long.toString(inFile.lastModified()));
    objectMetadata.setLastModified(new Date(inFile.lastModified()));

    PutObjectRequest por = new PutObjectRequest(bucketName, fileKey, inFile).withMetadata(objectMetadata);

    // Amazon S3 never stores partial objects; if during this call an exception wasn't thrown, the entire object was stored.  


我认为你的选择是正确的。你应该使用 ExecutorService API。 这消除了等待和监视线程通知的负担。 示例:

import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.Executors;

public class ExecutorEx{
    static class ThreadA implements Runnable{
        int id;
        public ThreadA(int id){
   = id;
        public void run(){
            //To simulate some work
            try{Thread.sleep(Math.round(Math.random()*100));}catch(Exception e){}
            // to show message
            System.out.println( + "--Test Message" + System.currentTimeMillis());

    public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception{
        int poolSize = 10;
        ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(poolSize);
        int i=0;
            pool.submit(new ThreadA(i));
            pool.awaitTermination(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

如果您想从线程返回某些内容,则需要实现 Callable 而不是 Runnable(call() 而不是 run()),并在 Future 对象数组中收集返回值,以便稍后进行迭代。

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