java - Ant 构建中参数不完整的异常处理

标签 java ant

正确的一个:ant verifyParameters -DrestoreValue=false

例如:ant verifyParameters -Drestoreval=false





这是一个例子。主目标 default 受到从属目标 check-parameter 的屏蔽,如果未设置参数 restoreValue,则该目标会失败。

<project name="option-test" default="default">

    This is the main target. It depends on target check-parameter which fails,
    if parameter restoreValue is not set.
  <target name="default" depends="check-parameter">
    <echo message="Start build ..." />
    <echo message="restoreValue = ${restoreValue}" />

    This helper target sets property parameterok to true, if restoreValue is set.
    And to false, otherwise.
  <target name="check-is-set">
    <condition property="parameterok">
      <isset property="restoreValue"/>

    This target depends on target check-is-set, which calculates the parameterok property.
    The unless attribute evaluates the parameterok property, so that the target body
    is only excuted, if paramterok=false.
    So the build fails only if parameter restoreValue is not set.
  <target name="check-parameter" unless="${parameterok}" depends="check-is-set">
    <fail message="Parameter restoreValue not set!" />

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