java - 我已将 jsonObject 转换为 JsonArray 我如何循环它

标签 java android json

  1. 我正在尝试转换我已经成功获得的 jsonArray 数据,但如何循环我的 jsonArray 以便我可以获得完整的详细信息 在 ListView 中。如果有多个数据,我如何附加我的数据 在同一个对象中并将其解析到 ListView 中。
  2. 我已将 jsonObject 转换为 Jsonarray

    public class getData extends AsyncTask<String, String, String> {
        protected String doInBackground(String... params) {
            return JsonParser.makeHttpUrlConnectionRequest(url, getParam());
        private List<NameValuePair> getParam() {
            SharedPreferences preferences = ReportActivity.this.getSharedPreferences(getString(R.string.detail), MODE_PRIVATE);
            enroll_no = preferences.getString(getString(R.string.loginenroll), "");
            List<NameValuePair> list = new ArrayList<>();
            list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("enroll_no", enroll_no));
            // Log.e("List", String.valueOf(list.add(new BasicNameValuePair("enroll_no",enroll))));
            Log.e("Request in Profile", String.valueOf(list));
            return list;
        protected void onPostExecute(String httpresponse) {
            if (httpresponse == null) {
                Toast.makeText(ReportActivity.this, "Unable to Connect", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            } else if (httpresponse.equals("error")) {
                Toast.makeText(ReportActivity.this, "Internal Server Error", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
            } else {
                try {
                    responseParameter = new JSONObject(httpresponse);
                    JSONObject fees_history = responseParameter.getJSONObject("fees_history");
                    //  JSONObject RC1 = fees_history.getJSONObject("RC1");
                    Iterator rc1 = fees_history.keys();
                    JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray();
                    int i = 0;
                    while (rc1.hasNext()) {
                        String key = (String);
                        JSONObject object = jsonArray.getJSONObject(i++);
                        JSONObject heading = object.getJSONObject("heading");
                        JSONArray details = object.getJSONArray("details");
                        Log.e("details", details.toString());
                        String Amount = heading.getString("Amount");
                        String date = heading.getString("date");
                        String Reciept = heading.getString("Reciept");
                      //  for (int j = 0; j < details.length(); j++) {
                            JSONObject detail = details.getJSONObject(i);
                            String Month = detail.getString("Month");
                            String Amountt = detail.getString("Amount");
                            Log.e("Amount", Amountt);
                            Log.e("Month", Month);
                            Unpaid_fees_detail unpaid_fees_detail = new Unpaid_fees_detail(Reciept, date, Amount,Amountt,Month);
                    } catch (JSONException e) {
                //  Log.e("RC1",RC1.toString());
                 //   Log.e("fees_history", fees_history.toString());
                Unpaid_fees_detail_adapter unpaid_fees_detail_adapter = new Unpaid_fees_detail_adapter(ReportActivity.this, unpaid_fees_details);

    这是我的 JsonArray

                "fee_type":"Bus Fee",
                "created_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30",
                "updated_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30"
                "fee_type":"Monthly Fee",
                "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52",
                "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52"
                "fee_type":"Bus Fee",
                "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52",
                "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52"
                "fee_type":"Monthly Fee",
                "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:21:12",
                "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:21:12"
                "fee_type":"Bus Fee",
                "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:21:12",
                "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:21:12"
                "Month":"Term 1",
                "fee_type":"Monthly Fee",
                "created_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30",
                "updated_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30"
                "Month":"Admission Fee",
                "fee_type":"One time",
                "created_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30",
                "updated_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30"
                "Month":"Admission Fee",
                "fee_type":"One time",
                "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52",
                "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52"
                "fee_type":"Bus Fee",
                "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52",
                "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52"
                "fee_type":"Bus Fee",
                "created_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30",
                "updated_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30"
                "fee_type":"Monthly Fee",
                "created_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30",
                "updated_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30"
                "fee_type":"Bus Fee",
                "created_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30",
                "updated_at":"2017-06-30 14:08:30"
                "fee_type":"Monthly Fee",
                "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52",
                "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52"
                "fee_type":"Bus Fee",
                "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52",
                "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:20:52"
                "fee_type":"Monthly Fee",
                "created_at":"2017-07-29 12:21:12",
                "updated_at":"2017-07-29 12:21:12"



ArrayList<DetailItem> detailItems = new ArrayList<>();
JSONArray details = response.getJSONArray("details");
if (details != null) {
    for (int k = 0; k < details.length(); k++) {
        JSONObject jsonObject = details.getJSONObject(k);

        String uniqueId = jsonObject.getString("unique_id");
        String reciept = jsonObject.getString("Reciept");
        // Your Code ...

        DetailItem detailItem = new DetailIte();
        // Your Code ...

        // Your Code ...


您创建了: JSONArray 详细信息 = object.getJSONArray("详细信息");

所以我不明白: JSONObject详细信息=详细信息.getJSONObject(i);

从这一行更改您的代码: JSONArray 详细信息 = object.getJSONArray("详细信息");


JSONArray details = response.getJSONArray("details");
// List Of Custom Object Class 'DetailItem'
// It Contains fields of details object , unique_id and Reciept and etc
ArrayList<DetailItem> detailItems = new ArrayList<>();
if (details != null) {
    for (int k = 0; k < details.length(); k++) {
        JSONObject jsonObject = details.getJSONObject(k);

        String uniqueId = jsonObject.getString("unique_id");
        String reciept = jsonObject.getString("Reciept");
        // Your Code ...

        DetailItem detailItem = new DetailIte();
        // Your Code ...

        // Your Code ...


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