java - 如何在android中解析这个嵌套的JSON数组和JSON对象View_ID

标签 java android json

How to get "View_ID":"v1" and View Array.
What I create is not generating the proper response. What thing I am doing wrong?




JSONObject mainObj = new JSONObject(response);
if(mainObj != null){
    JSONArray list = mainObj.getJSONArray("View");
    if(list != null){
        for(int j = 0; j < list.length();j++){
            JSONObject innerElem = list.getJSONObject(j);
            if(innerElem != null){
                String button_id = innerElem.getString("Button_ID");
                Toast.makeText(QRCode.this, button_id, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


    Try bellow.

JSONObject mainObj = new JSONObject(response); if(mainObj != null){
    String viewid = mainObj.getString("View_ID");  // here is your View_ID.
     JSONArray list = mainObj.getJSONArray("View");  // here is your view array.

    if(list != null){ for(int j = 0; j < list.length();j++){ JSONObject innerElem = list.getJSONObject(j); if(innerElem != null){ String button_id = innerElem.getString("Button_ID"); Toast.makeText(QRCode.this, button_id, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); } } } }

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