java - 努力学习有关 CodeHS 类和子类的类(class)

标签 java



类(class)名称为 4.12.4 服装店。

In this problem, you’ll design a few classes that represent different pieces of clothing in a clothing store.

You’ll write the classes for TShirt, Jeans, Sweatshirt and Clothing.

The Clothing class should have two instance variables: one for the size of the clothing (a String), and another for the clothing’s color (also a string).

Clothing should have two accessor (getter methods) as well:

public String getSize()
public String getColor()

The Sweatshirt class should have a private instance variable (or field) to store whether or not it has a hood, and a corresponding getter method

public boolean hasHood()

The TShirt class should have a private field to store the fabric and a corresponding getter for that called

public String getFabric()

All Jeans should have the color blue.

The constructors should be of this format:

public Clothing(String size, String color)
public TShirt(String size, String color, String fabric)
public Sweatshirt(String size, String color, boolean hasHood)
public Jeans(String size)


public class Clothing
    public String size;
    public String color;

    public Clothing(String size, String color)
        this.size = size;
        this.color = color;

    public String getSize()
        return size;

    public String getColor()
        return color;


public class TShirt extends Clothing
    private String fabric;

    public TShirt(String size, String color, String fabric)
        super(size, color);
        this.fabric = fabric;

    public String getFabric()
        return fabric;

public class Sweatshirt extends Clothing
    private boolean hasHood;

    public Sweatshirt(String size, String color, boolean hasHood)
        super(size, color);
        this.hasHood = hasHood;

    public boolean getHasHood()
     return this.hasHood;

public class Jeans extends Clothing
    public Jeans(String size)


Errors: constructor Clothing in class Clothing cannot be applied to given types; You may have forgotten to declare hasHood() or it's out of scope


Jeans 仅向 super 构造函数传递一个参数。您没有 Clothing 的单参数构造函数。让 Clothing(String size) 或您的 Jeans 类可以将默认值传递给 super。就像 super(size, "Blue") 或任何合适的东西。



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