Java - 使用递归反转字符串

标签 java recursion

private static String stringReverseRecursive(String str)
       // saves the last letter of the word in the variable c
    char c = str.charAt (str.length()-1); 
       // take the last letter saved in c and joins the sub string of everything without the first letter and runs it again.
       return c + stringReverseRecursive((str.substring(0,str.length()-1))); 


当我尝试调用该函数时,编译器会给出一个错误,指出它超出了范围。我认为 lat 线和 char c 线有问题。


private static String stringReverseRecursive(String str)
    if (str.isEmpty()) {

        return str;

   // saves the last letter of the word in the variable c
   char c = str.charAt (str.length()-1); 
   // take the last letter saved in c and joins the sub string of everything without the first letter and runs it again.
   return c + stringReverseRecursive((str.substring(0,str.length()-1))); 


您想要检查长度是否为 0,以满足空字符串的需要,例如“”

if 语句允许您的代码完成执行,可以称为基本情况。

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