java - Eclipse 直到运行时才报告错误

标签 java eclipse eclipse-plugin

我试图做一些困惑的技巧来在 IMarker 中携带 ProblemDescriptor 对象。

ProblemDescriptor 问题 = new ProblemDescriptor(...我的论点...); marker.setAttribute("PROBLEM_DESCRIPTOR", 问题);



属性值类型为 com.localhost.problems.ProblemDescription,预期为 java.lang.String、Boolean、Integer 之一




public void setAttribute(String attributeName, Object value)

由于第二个参数是Object,因此无法在编译时检查正确性,但是 Javadoc 明确指出:

Sets the attribute with the given name. The value must be null or an instance of one of the following classes: String, Integer, or Boolean. If the value is null, the attribute is considered to be undefined.

The attribute value cannot be a String whose UTF encoding exceeds 65535 bytes. On persistent markers this limit is enforced by an assertion.

另一种设计是用带有 StringIntegerBoolean 第二个参数的 3 个方法来替换它,但 API 设计者决定不要那样做。

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