Java 静态绑定(bind)使得实现 Composite 变得很尴尬

标签 java polymorphism composite


interface Composite {}

class Leaf implements Composite { public String val; }

class Node implements Composite {
    private Node parent;
    private Composite left;
    private Composite right;

    public void attachLeft(Composite c) {
         left = c;
    public void attachRight(Composite c) {
         right = c;
    public void attachLeft(Node n) {
         left = n;
         n.parent = this;
    public void attachRight(Node n) {
         right = n;
         n.parent = this;
    public void attachRandomly(Composite c) {
         if ( ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextBoolean() ) {
         } else {


// build tree
for some number of nodes :
    make newNode
    oldNode = randomly pick an existing node with an empty right/left 

// fill leaves of tree
for each node with empty right/left :
    while node has empty right/left :
        node.attachRandomly(new Leaf)

不幸的是,由于静态绑定(bind),attachLeft/Right(Node c) 方法永远不会被 AttachRandomly 调用。 (attachRandomly 正在获取 Composite,因此始终会调用 AttachLeft/Right 的 Composite 版本。)因此我的父属性永远不会被设置。


  1. 删除 Node 版本的 AttachLeft/Right,只在 Composite 版本中使用 instanceof 和转换
  2. 添加特定于节点的 AttachRandomly 版本

选项 1 感觉很糟糕(instanceof!casting!),而选项 2 由于额外的代码量而感觉很尴尬。有没有更好的方法来做到这一点,以便多态性可以发挥作用并帮助我?



interface Composite {
    void attachToLeft(Node newParent);
    void attachToRight(Node newParent);

class Leaf implements Composite { 
    public String val;
    public void attachToLeft(Node newParent) {
        newParent.left = this;
    public void attachToRight(Node newParent) {
        newParent.right = this;

class Node implements Composite {
    private Node parent;
    private Composite left;
    private Composite right;

    public void attachLeft(Composite c) {
    public void attachRight(Composite c) {
    public void attachToLeft(Node newParent) {
         this.parent = newParent;
         newParent.left = this;
    public void attachToRight(Node newParent) {
         this.parent = newParent;
         newParent.right = this.

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