java - Spring Boot 中的分层 Bean 依赖

标签 java spring spring-boot dependency-injection aop

我有一个与父类 S 相同的 beans 依赖关系层次结构:

A -> B -> C

其中 Bean A 包含 Bean B,Bean B 包含 C,代码结构如下:

public class A extends S {
    private S successor;

public class B extends S {
    private S successor;       

public class C extends S {       
    private S successor;


A a = new A();
B b = new B();
C c = new C();
a.successor = b;
b.successor = c;


public class MyConfig {

    public A a {
        return new A();

    public B b {
        B b = new B();
        A a; // somehow get the bean A here
        a.successor = b;

    public C c {
        C c = new C();
        B b; // somehow get the bean b here
        b.successor = c;

关于如何使用 Spring boot 依赖注入(inject)来解决这个问题有什么建议吗?


您可以将所需的 bean 作为参数传递给提供程序方法。

public A a() {
    return new A();

public B b(A a) {
    B b = new B();
    a.successor = b;
    return b;

public C c(B b) {
    C c = new C();
    b.successor = c;
    return c;

但是,只有当 B 被注入(inject)某处时,才会设置 a.successor。我相信这不是您所期望的,并且需要反转构造链:

public A a(B b) {
    A a = new A();
    a.successor = b;
    return a;

public B b(C c) {
    B b = new B();
    b.successor = c;
    return b;

public C c() {
    return new C();

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