java - Clojure AWS Lambda 函数中的 OpenCV 目标大于 250MB,如何减小其大小?

标签 java amazon-web-services opencv clojure aws-lambda

我正在尝试使用 OpenCV通过 Origami使用lein-lambda部署。然而,我的 target/ 目录最终为 350Mb,而 lambda 要求未压缩上传的最大值为 250Mb。


$ tree -L 2 target/
├── classes
│   ├── META-INF
│   ├── cheshire
│   ├── clj_time
│   ├── clojure
│   ├── clout
│   ├── compojure
│   ├── crypto
│   ├── detect-features
│   ├── detect_features
│   ├── instaparse
│   ├── medley
│   ├── opencv3
│   ├── ring
│   └── uswitch
├── clj-opencv-0.1-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar
├── clj-opencv-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
├── native
│   ├── linux
│   ├── macosx
│   └── windows
└── stale
    └── leiningen.core.classpath.extract-native-dependencies

我注意到还有针对 macosxwindows 的 OpenCV 版本。如果我可以在 lein lambda 部署生产命令期间删除这些构建,那么它应该足够小。

这是我的project.clj 文件,也许它与uberjar有关:

(defproject clj-opencv "0.1-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "Identify key points and edges to use for good looking Delauney triangulation."
  :url ""
  :min-lein-version "2.0.0"
  :injections [(clojure.lang.RT/loadLibrary org.opencv.core.Core/NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME)]
  :test-paths ["test"]
  :resource-paths ["rsc"]
  :plugins [[lein-gorilla "0.4.0"]
            [lein-auto "0.1.3"]
            [lein-ring "0.9.7"]
            [lein-lambda "0.2.0"]]
  :auto {:default {:file-pattern #"\.(clj)$"}}
  :repositories [["vendredi" ""]]
  :aliases {"notebook" ["gorilla" ":ip" "" ":port" "10000"]}
  :profiles {:dev {:resource-paths ["resources"]
                   :dependencies [; used for proto repl
                                  [org.clojure/tools.nrepl "0.2.11"]
                                  ; proto repl
                                  [proto-repl "0.3.1"]
                                  ; use to start a gorilla repl
                                  [gorilla-repl "0.4.0"]
                                  [seesaw "1.4.5"]
                                  ; aws lambda
                                  [javax.servlet/servlet-api "2.5"]
                                  [ring/ring-mock "0.3.1"]]}
             :uberjar {:aot :all}}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
                 [org.clojure/tools.cli "0.3.5"]
                 [origami "0.1.10"]
                 [compojure "1.6.0"]
                 [ring/ring-defaults "0.3.1"]
                 [ring/ring-json "0.4.0"]
                 [uswitch/lambda "0.1.2"]
                 [cheshire "5.7.1"]
                 [ring-apigw-lambda-proxy "0.3.0"]
                 [feedme "0.0.3"]
                 [clj-spotify "0.1.5"]
                 [rotary "0.4.1"]]
  :ring {:handler detect-features.handler/app}
  :lambda {:function {:name "lowpoly-detect-features" ; bucket name cannot contain underscores
                      :handler "detect-features.lambda.LambdaFn"}
           :api-gateway {:name "detect-features"}
           :stages {"production" {:warmup {:enable true}}
                    "staging"    {}}}
  ; For local runs. Probably needs to be off in projection.
  :main detect-features.lambda)


只需使用 jar 排除:

:jar-exclusions [#"^docs/.*" #"^public/js/.*" #"^example-data/.*"]

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