java - AWS SES 交付时间很长

标签 java amazon-web-services email amazon-ses

最近通过 Java Amazon SDK(v. 1.11.202),我将 1000 个 SendEmailRequests 排队到同一电子邮件地址。请求以 14/s 的速率排队,这是我的配额限制。没有错误。然后服务器被关闭。

问题是连续 3 天收到电子邮件!

通过 SES 发送的电子邮件通常会在几秒钟内送达。我找不到任何解释或有关亚马逊方面可能涉及的任何队列/超时/延迟的信息。

  • 这是否与它被发送到一个地址这一事实有关?
  • 原因是什么?

请不要只关注它发送到一个电子邮件地址这一事实。这不是故意的。我担心发送到 1000 个不同的地址时可能会发生这种情况,但我无法轻松验证这一点。


可能有multiple reasons至于为什么电子邮件被延迟。这很可能是一个问题,因为所有内容都发送到同一电子邮件。

  1. Emails are delayed before arriving at SES The first step in the process is for your application to contact SES to pass it the message. This is one place where problems could occur.

  2. Emails are delayed inside SES Once SES accepts the message, it will process it as quickly as possible, before handing it over to the ISP. We take latency very seriously, and, in the event of significant service delays, we will update the public status dashboard. SES service delays are, however, not the only reason why emails might not be delivered to the receiving end. For various reasons, the ISP might be temporarily refusing your email. This is referred to as a soft bounce. Typical reasons why ISPs might soft bounce your email are if the destination address has a full inbox, the email is of a larger size than they support, or they have a service issue and cannot accept email. ISPs can also soft bounce emails as a form of throttling – if they see too many emails delivered too quickly they sometimes interpret that as a spammer trying to attack their customers. When a soft bounce event happens, SES continuously retries to deliver your email for 12 hours before giving up. There is no limit of retries during this 12-hour interval, and, as long as the ISP recovers, your email will be delivered. To verify whether soft bouncing is the issue, you can try sending to different ISPs. If you only see delays with one of them, that’s a pretty good indicator that that particular ISP has a problem receiving your email.

  3. One particularly thorny problem we sometimes encounter is when we successfully deliver the email to an ISP quickly and in the first attempt, only to have it take a very long time to appear in the recipient’s inbox. This can happen for a variety of reasons, for example the ISP is encountering a technical problem, or it is delaying making the email available to its users because it does not yet trust it. To narrow down the problem, try sending to a different ISP (or to a different address in the same ISP), using an email with different content, different (or lack of) attachments, different “From” address, etc. and see if that makes a difference. Remember that as long as you haven’t received a bounce notification from Amazon SES, it means your message is either somewhere in the SES pipeline, with its delivery being continuously retried, or it has already been enqueued by the ISP, and it being processed on their end.

2 和/或 3 很可能是这里的罪魁祸首。不过,请务必小心,退回邮件可能会对您的 IP 声誉产生非常负面的影响,并且可能是 AWS 为您的帐户禁用 SES 的原因。

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