java - (JFrame) 如何读取随机数以用不同的方法进行比较而不显示它?

标签 java jframe

我正在尝试制作一个猜数字游戏。当用户按下开始按钮时,程序会随机生成一个数字。然后用户可以输入一个数字,程序会告诉用户是否需要更高或更低,猜测 8 次后程序停止。

我已经成功地生成了一个随机数并编写了一个允许用户猜测 8 次的循环。没有编译错误,但按下“guessBtn”时出现很多错误。这是我的代码:

private void startBtnActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                         
    // TODO add your handling code here:
    Random rand = new Random();
    int getal = rand.nextInt(100)+1;

private void guessBtnActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                         
    // TODO add your handling code here:
    String randomNumTxt = startBtn.getText();
    int getal = Integer.parseInt(randomNumTxt);
    String gokNumTxt = guessTxt.getText();
    int gok = Integer.parseInt(gokNumTxt);
    int aantalGok = 0;

    while ((gok != getal) && (aantalGok <9)){
        if (gok < getal){
        if (gok > getal){
    if (gok == getal){
    else if (aantalGok == 8){
        antwoordLbl.setText("Jammer, het getal was "+getal);



根据注释并根据您的代码,考虑下面的类,其中 actual 存储每次单击“开始”按钮时随机生成的值。作为实例变量(不是注释中提到的类变量),该值在类的同一实例的方法之间仍然可用。

public class MyFrame extends JFrame implements ... {
    // keep track of a randomly generated value
    private int actual;  // part of the class, not within a method
                         // each instance of the class will have its own value
                        // the variable exists as long as the instance exists

    private void startBtnActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {                                         
        // TODO add your handling code here:
        Random rand = new Random();   // this could also be an instance variable instead of creating a  new one each time
        // int getal = rand.nextInt(100)+1;  getal would be a local method variable and is lost when the method returns
        actual = rand.nextInt(100)+1; // keep track of the random value

    private void guessBtnActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {
        int guess = ...  // whatever the user guessed
        if (guess == actual) {
        } else if (guess > actual) {
        } else {


进一步阅读:搜索“java 变量作用域”。

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