java - 如何在 Java 中对角检查 2D 字符数组中的字符串 (Eclipse)

标签 java multidimensional-array indexoutofboundsexception wordsearch

我正在获取用户输入的单词列表,并将其输入存储在 String[] 数组中。然后,我创建一个名为 letterGrid 的 char[][] 数组,其中填充了随机字母和用户提供的单词。当 letterGrid 显示在控制台屏幕上时,用户必须输入他们想要查找的单词。然后程序将检查输入的单词是否水平、垂直或对角显示,并打印出它的位置。我的 checkHorizo​​ntal 和 checkDiagonal 方法工作正常,但我在 checkVertical 时遇到问题。例如,我的单词示例输入是红色、橙色、黄色、绿色、蓝色、紫色、彩虹颜色。下面是输出网格:

Word Search Error - Console Screen

如您所见,当我输入黄色(长度为 6 个字母)时,程序会输出该单词的位置,但随后会出现越界错误。


以下是应 @Igor Khvostenkov 请求的其余代码:

 	private String word; // This variable will be the user`s input when they chose to search for a word they have entered
    private int rowLocation; // This variable will represent the row number in which the word is at
    private int colLocation; // This variable will represent the column number in which the word is at
 // Create a method to compare the user`s word to the elements in the letter grid
 public void compare (String word) {
        for (int row = 0; row < letterGrid.length - 1; row++) {
            for (int col = 0; col < letterGrid[row].length - 1; col++) {
                if (letterGrid[row][col] == word.charAt(0)) {

                    rowLocation = row;
                    colLocation = col;

                    wordContains(); // Call on method to see if the word entered by the user appears horizontally, vertically, or diagonally
                }//end of if
            }//end of inner for loop
        }//end of outer for loop
    }//end of compare(word)
    // Create a method that will check the direction of the user`s word input

    public void wordContains() {
        checkHorizontal(); // Checking if the word appears horizontally
        checkVertical(); // Checking id the word appears vertically
        checkDiagonal(); // Checking if the word appears diagonally
    }//end of wordContains()
    // Create a method to check if the user`s word appears HORIZONTALLY in the letter grid

    public void checkHorizontal() {
        for (int i = 1; i < (word.length()); i++) {
            if (colLocation + i > letterGrid[0].length - 1) {
            } else if(letterGrid[rowLocation][colLocation + i] != word.charAt(i)) {
            }//end of if..else if
        }//end of for loop
        System.out.println(word + " found horizontally at row " + rowLocation + " and column " + colLocation); // Word found!!


    }//end of checkHorizontal()

    // Create a method to check if the user`s word appears VERTICALLY in the letter grid
    public void checkVertical() {
        for (int i = 1; i < (word.length()); i++) {
            if (rowLocation + i > letterGrid.length - 1 && colLocation + i > letterGrid[0].length) {
            } else if (letterGrid[rowLocation + i][colLocation] != word.charAt(i)) {
            }//end of if..else if
        }//end of for loop
        System.out.println(word + " found vertically at row " + rowLocation + " and column " + colLocation); // Word found!!
    }//end of checkVertical()
    // Create a method to check if the user`s word appears DIAGONALLY in the letter grid

    public void checkDiagonal() {
        for (int i = 1; i < (word.length()); i++) {
            if (colLocation + i > letterGrid[0].length - 1 || rowLocation + i > letterGrid.length - 1) {
            } else if (letterGrid[rowLocation + i][colLocation + i] != word.charAt(i)) {
            }//end of if..else if
        }//end of for loop
        System.out.println(word + " found diagonally at row " + rowLocation + " and column " + colLocation); // Word found!!
    }//end of checkDiagonal()

似乎不知道为什么会发生这种情况,以及如何解决这个问题。我对 ArrayIndexOutofBounds 异常不太熟悉,因为我几乎没有经历过它们,但最近我一直在尝试理解这个问题并寻找帮助我解决它的方法。


代码中的问题在于 checkVertical() 中的 if 条件,行和列可以是第一个或最后一个,但您应该检查行或列。您的黄色示例失败,因为第一个代码在第一行和第二列中找到 Y ,然后继续扫描,最后,它在最后一行找到 Y 并检查 rowLocation + i > letterGrid.length - 1 && colLocation + i > letterGrid[0].length 跳过,然后调用 else 向该行添加 1,结果输出绑定(bind)数组。这应该有效:

 public void checkVertical() {

        for (int i = 1; i < (word.length()); i++) {

            if (rowLocation + i > letterGrid.length - 1 || colLocation + i > letterGrid[0].length) {


            } else if (letterGrid[rowLocation + i][colLocation] != word.charAt(i)) {


            }//end of if..else if

        }//end of for loop

        System.out.println(word + " found vertically at row " + rowLocation + " and column " + colLocation); // Word found!!

    }//end of checkVertical()

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