java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException : String index out of range in yuicompressor

标签 java spring-boot yui-compressor



HtmlCompressor compressor = new HtmlCompressor();

compressor.setEnabled(true); //if false all compression is off (default is true)
compressor.setRemoveComments(true); //if false keeps HTML comments (default is true)
compressor.setRemoveMultiSpaces(true); //if false keeps multiple whitespace characters (default is true)
compressor.setRemoveIntertagSpaces(true);//removes iter-tag whitespace characters
compressor.setRemoveQuotes(true); //removes unnecessary tag attribute quotes
compressor.setCompressCss(true); //compress css using Yahoo YUI Compressor 
compressor.setCompressJavaScript(true); //compress js using Yahoo YUI Compressor 
compressor.setYuiCssLineBreak(80); //--line-break param for Yahoo YUI Compressor 
compressor.setYuiJsDisableOptimizations(true); //--disable-optimizations param for Yahoo YUI Compressor 
compressor.setYuiJsLineBreak(-1); //--line-break param for Yahoo YUI Compressor 
compressor.setYuiJsNoMunge(true); //--nomunge param for Yahoo YUI Compressor 
compressor.setYuiJsPreserveAllSemiColons(true);//--preserve-semi param for Yahoo YUI Compressor 

String str = "<html><body><p>Hover over the checkbox to simulate a mouse-click.</p><form><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"myCheck\" onmouseover=\"myFunction()\" onclick=\"alert('click event occured')\"></form><script>function myFunction(){document.getElementById(\"myCheck\").click();}</script></body></html>";


If remove the <script> tag and its contents, then its working fine. 
if comment compressor.setCompressJavaScript(true); this line, then its working fine.



Spring Boot版本:2.1.4.RELEASE




        <p>Hover over the checkbox to simulate a mouse-click.</p>
                type = "checkbox"
                id = "myCheck"
                onmouseover = "myFunction()"
                onclick = "alert('click event occured')">
        <script>function myFunction(){document.getElementById("myCheck").click();}</script>

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