java - 如何在@PostConstruct之前调用@BeforeMethod block

标签 java spring spring-test-mvc

我正在下面编写 Spring 单元测试代码。单元测试 @Before 方法没有被执行。由于它直接运行@PostConstruct,我收到错误 Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: rates must be Positive 因为默认值为 0.00。我想设置一些值来请求最大限制,以便后构造 block 能够顺利通过。我的代码有什么问题?请帮忙。

public class SurveyPublisher  {

    private SurveyProperties surveyProperties;

        public void init() {
            rateLimiter = RateLimiter.create(psurveyProperties.getRequestMaxLimit());


    public void publish() {
        // do something



public class SurveyPublisherTest  extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {

    SurveyProperties surveyProperties;

    public void init() {

    public void testPublish_noResponse() {
        //do some test



刚刚意识到它总是会在 Junit 回调方法之前运行 postConstruct 方法,导致 spring 优先。正如文档中所解释的 -

if a method within a test class is annotated with @PostConstruct, that method runs before any before methods of the underlying test framework (for example, methods annotated with JUnit Jupiter’s @BeforeEach), and that applies for every test method in the test class.

您的问题的解决方案 -

  1. 正如 @chrylis 上面评论的那样,重构您的 SurveyPublisher 以使用构造函数注入(inject)来注入(inject)速率限制器。这样您就可以轻松进行测试。
  2. 注入(inject)导致问题的 Mock/Spy bean
  3. 创建测试配置,为您提供用作@ContextConfiguration的类实例

    public class YourTestConfig {
        FactoryBean getSurveyPublisher() {
            return new AbstractFactoryBean() {
                public Class getObjectType() {
                    return SurveyPublisher.class;
                protected SurveyPublisher createInstance() {
                    return mock(SurveyPublisher.class);

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