java - 在 Android 应用程序的改造实现中访问 kotlin 类自动生成的 getter 方法

标签 java android kotlin

我正在尝试使用 kotlin 语言在 Android 应用程序中实现改造库,但我在尝试使用 kotlin 自动生成的 getter 功能来获取 MovieResponse 类的值。

这是 MovieResponse 类:

class MovieResponse {

    private var page : Int? = null

    private var results : List<Movie>? = null

    private var totalResults : Int? = null

    private var totalPages : Int? = null

    constructor(page: Int?, results: List<Movie>?, totalResults: Int?, totalPages: Int?) { = page
        this.results = results
        this.totalResults = totalResults
        this.totalPages = totalPages


这是我的 android MainActivity 类:

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {

    private val TAG : String =
    val BASE_URL : String = ""
    private var retrofit : Retrofit? = null
    private var recyclerView : RecyclerView? = null
    private var API_KEY : String = "166873e095bdb281691220d5ad12610c"

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {

        // setup the layout manager
        recycler_view.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this)

        // get the data


     * This method creates an instance of Retrofit
     * and set the base url
    private fun connectAndGetData() {
        if (retrofit == null) {
            retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()

        val movieApiService = retrofit!!.create(

        val call : Call<MovieResponse> = movieApiService!!.getTopRatedMovies(API_KEY)
        call.enqueue(object : Callback<MovieResponse> {
            override fun onFailure(call: Call<MovieResponse>, t: Throwable) {

            override fun onResponse(call: Call<MovieResponse>, response: Response<MovieResponse>) {
                val movies : List<Movie> = response.body() #<-- stuck here
                recyclerView!!.adapter = MoviesAdapter(movies, R.layout.list_item_movie, applicationContext)
                Log.d(TAG, "Number of movies received: " + movies.size)



        private var results : List<Movie>? = null


val movies : List<Movie> = response.body()


val movies : List<Movie> = response.body().getResults()

但在 kotlin 中我似乎无法实现这一点。

我对“电影数据库 API”的回应:

    "page": 1,
    "total_results": 7444,
    "total_pages": 373,
    "results": [
            "vote_count": 2080,
            "id": 19404,
            "video": false,
            "vote_average": 9,
            "title": "Dilwale Dulhania Le Jayenge",
            "popularity": 16.5,
            "poster_path": "\/uC6TTUhPpQCmgldGyYveKRAu8JN.jpg",
            "original_language": "hi",
            "original_title": "दिलवाले दुल्हनिया ले जायेंगे",
            "genre_ids": [
            "backdrop_path": "\/mMaxGuQKuH4WUHBwUNhJOetDYE9.jpg",
            "adult": false,
            "overview": "Raj is a rich, carefree, happy-go-lucky second generation NRI. Simran is the daughter of Chaudhary Baldev Singh, who in spite of being an NRI is very strict about adherence to Indian values. Simran has left for India to be married to her childhood fiancé. Raj leaves for India with a mission at his hands, to claim his lady love under the noses of her whole family. Thus begins a saga.",
            "release_date": "1995-10-20"


您的变量在 MovieResponse 类中似乎是私有(private)的,因此您无法从类外部访问它。检查this .

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