c++ - 帮助解决错误 : ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'vector' with no type

标签 c++ vector

如标题所述,我不确定为什么会收到此错误。我整理了一个类似于此结构的 test.cpp,它工作正常。此外,除了 vector 问题之外,还有另一个关于“ protected ”的问题,它甚至不在代码中。我认为“ protected ”是一个宏,所以不知道那里有什么。我是 QT 的新手,所以我很可能“做错了”。这当然是编译器的建议。

In file included from DrvCrystalfontz.cpp:8:
LCDText.h:28: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'vector' with no type
LCDText.h:28: error: expected ';' before '<' token
LCDText.h:30: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'vector' with no type
LCDText.h:30: error: expected ',' or '...' before '<' token
LCDText.h:46: error: expected ':' before 'protected'
LCDText.h: In constructor 'LCDText::LCDText(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, QObject*)':
LCDText.h:33: error: expected '{' at end of input
scons: *** [DrvCrystalfontz.o] Error 1
scons: building terminated because of errors.


#ifndef __LCD_TEXT__
#define __LCD_TEXT__

#include <vector>
#include <QObject>

#include "LCDBase.h"
#include "WidgetText.h"
#include "WidgetBar.h"
#include "WidgetHistogram.h"
#include "WidgetIcon.h"
#include "WidgetBignums.h"
#include "WidgetGif.h"

class LCDText: public LCDBase, public virtual QObject {
        char *LayoutFB;
        char *DisplayFB;
        int GOTO_COST;
        int CHARS;
        int CHAR0;
        int LROWS;
        int LCOLS;
        int DROWS;
        int DCOLS;
        vector<vector<char *> > chars; // Line 28
        void (*TextRealWrite) (const int row, const int col, const char *data, const int len);
        void (*TextRealDefchar) (const int ascii, const vector<char *> matrix); // Line 30
        LCDText(int rows, int cols, int xres, int yres, int _goto, int chars,
            int char0, QObject *parent) : LCDBase(xres, yres), QObject(parent); // Line 33
        void TextInit(int rows, int cols);
        void TextBlit(int row, int col, int  height, int width);
        void TextClear();
        void TextClearChars();
        void TextGreet();
        void TextDraw(WidgetText widget);
        void TextBarDraw(WidgetBar widget);
        void TextHistogramDraw(WidgetHistogram widget);
        void TextIconDraw(WidgetIcon widget);
        void TextBignumsDraw(WidgetBignums widget);
        void TextGifDraw(WidgetGif widget);
     public signals: // Line 46
         void SpecialCharChanged(int ch);
     public slots:
         void TextSpecialCharChanged(int ch);



Vector 位于 std 命名空间中。您必须执行以下操作之一:


std::vector<std::vector<char *> > chars;

告诉编译器你正在使用来自 std 命名空间的 vector

using std::vector;
vector<vector<char *> > chars;

或者,告诉编译器你正在使用 std 命名空间,它会把所有东西都带进来(不推荐,看评论)

using namespace std;

关于c++ - 帮助解决错误 : ISO C++ forbids declaration of 'vector' with no type,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1552170/


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