java - UTF-16LE 编码和 xerces2 Java

标签 java xml utf-16 xerces byte-order-mark

我浏览了一些帖子,例如 FileReader reads the file as a character streamcan be treated as whitespace if the document is handed as a stream of characters其中答案表明输入源实际上是字符流,而不是字节流。

但是,1 中建议的解决方案似乎不适用于 UTF-16LE。虽然我使用这段代码:

    try (final InputStream is = Files.newInputStream(filename.toPath(), StandardOpenOption.READ)) {
      DOMParser parser = new org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser();
      parser.parse(new InputSource(is));
      return parser.getDocument();
    } catch (final SAXParseException saxEx) {
      LOG.debug("Unable to open [{}}] as InputSource.", absolutePath, saxEx);

我仍然得到org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Content is not allowed in prolog. .

我查看了 Files.newInputStream,它确实使用了 ChannelInputStream它将传递字节,而不是字符。我还尝试设置 InputSource 对象的编码,但没有成功。 我还检查了 <?xml 之前没有多余的字符(BOM 除外)部分。

我还想提一下,这段代码在 UTF-8 下工作得很好。

//编辑: 我还尝试了 DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().parse() 和,结果相同。

//编辑2: 尝试使用缓冲阅读器。相同的结果: 序言中出现意外字符“뿯”(代码 49135/0xbfef);预期 '<'




byte[] bytes = Files.readAllBytes(filename.toPath);
String xml = new String(bytes, StandardCharsets.UTF_16LE);
if (xml.startsWith("\uFEFF")) {"Has BOM and is evidently UTF_16LE");
    xml = xml.substring(1);
if (!xml.contains("<?xml")) {"Has no XML declaration");
String declaredEncoding = xml.replaceFirst("<?xml[^>]*encoding=[\"']([^\"']+)[\"']", "$1");
if (declaredEncoding == xml) {
    declaredEncoding = "UTF-8";
}"Declared as " + declaredEncoding);

try (final InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(xml.getBytes(declaredEncoding))) {
  DOMParser parser = new org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser();
  parser.parse(new InputSource(is));
  return parser.getDocument();
} catch (final SAXParseException saxEx) {
  LOG.debug("Unable to open [{}}] as InputSource.", absolutePath, saxEx);

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