java - 首都之间经过其他首都的最短路径

标签 java path nodes shortest-path


谁能解释一下如何开发一种东西,通过一系列首都(国家)提供从 A 国到 B 国的最短路径?


我最初的想法是根据到 A 国的距离对首都列表进行排序,然后将 A 国与列表中第一个国家、列表中第一个国家和第三个国家之间的最短路径的所有距离相加列表的内容等等。显然这是不正确的。

    public double shortestPathCapitals2(List<String> capitais, Pais pOrig, Pais pDest) {
    double dist = 0;
    LinkedList<Pais> shortPath = new LinkedList<Pais>();
    LinkedList<String> temp = new LinkedList<>(capitais);


    Collections.sort(temp, (c1, c2) -> (int) (distance(pOrig, shortestPathCapitals2(c2)) - distance(pOrig, obterPaisPorCapital(c1))));

    for (int i = 0; i < temp.size() - 1; i++) {
        Pais p1 = obterPaisPorCapital(temp.get(i));
        Pais p2 = obterPaisPorCapital(temp.get(i + 1));
        dist += shortestPath(p1, p2, shortPath);

    return dist;




给定一个具有顶点 V 和边 E 的图。 我们想要找到 Va 和 Vb 之间的路径 P,使得:

  • 路径包含 {V0, V1, ..}(V 的某个子集)
  • P 中边的权重之和最小


function findPath(startVertex, endVertex, verticesToBeVisited, currentPath)

    // check if we have reached the destination
    if startVertex == endVertex:

           * there are multiple ways of reaching the destination
           * calculate the length of the past (also called the cost)
           * if the cost is lower than the current minimum, store the path
          cost = calculateCost(currentPath)
          if cost  < currentMinCost:
              currentMinCost = cost
              currentMinPath = currentPath            


         * if we have not reached the destination
         * we need to try all possible next hops
         * this algorithm uses recursion to do so
        for every vertex Vn that is a neighbour of startVertex:

             * this check prevents us from going
             * Paris --> Rome --> Paris --> Rome (endlessly)
            if currentPath contains Vn:

            // add the next hop to our path
            currentPath += Vn

            // if this vertex needed to be visit, cross it out in the list
            if verticesToBeVisited contains Vn:
                verticesToBeVisited -= Vn

            // recursion
            findPath(Vn, endVertex, verticesToBeVisited, currentPath)

            // clean up
            if verticesToBeVisited contained Vn:
                verticesToBeVisited += Vn

            currentPath -= Vn

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