带代码签名 .exe 文件的 Windows 10 SmartScreen

标签 windows windows-10 smartscreen

我已经创建了一个 setup.exe 文件并将其加载到我的网站上以供下载。 .exe 文件已使用来自 godaddy 的证书进行了代码签名。当使用 win7 从我的网站下载 .exe 文件时,它会检测证书并将其显示为安全下载。在 win10 上,.exe 文件下载正常,但在打开 .exe 时,智能屏幕阻止它打开。我有很多用户使用 win10,不想向他们解释关闭 smartscreen。我有什么选择可以让这个 .exe 通过 win10 smarscreen?


在足够多的人下载并运行它后,Windows SmartScreen 警报将消失。如果您的软件不是那么流行,那么警告永远不会消失,您也无能为力。你可以试试get yourself whitelisted但我不会在等待的时候屏住呼吸。 Microsoft 没有记录什么是足够的下载量。

SmartScreen checks files that you download from the web against a list of reported malicious software sites and programs known to be unsafe. If it finds a match, SmartScreen will warn you that the download has been blocked for your safety. SmartScreen also checks the files that you download against a list of files that are well known and downloaded by many people who use Internet Explorer. If the file that you're downloading isn't on that list, SmartScreen will warn you.


Downloads are assigned a reputation rating based on many criteria, such as download traffic, download history, past antivirus results and URL reputation. Reputation is generated and assigned to digital certificates as well as specific files.

根据 this answer ,通过并上传 Windows 应用程序认证工具包测试的结果将更快地建立声誉(需要 SysDev 帐户)。


关于带代码签名 .exe 文件的 Windows 10 SmartScreen,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44839577/


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