java - 我远程做这件事对吗? Java 方法

标签 java methods

手头的任务:考虑一个类 ratingScore,它表示对某些事物(例如移动)的数字评级。属性:对正在评级的内容的描述、最大可能评级、评级。


a.为每个方法写一个方法标题 b.为每个方法编写前置条件和后置条件 C。编写一些java语句来测试该类 d.实现该类。


import java.util.*;
public class MovieRating 
    // instance variables
    private String description = " A movie that shows how racism affect our lives and choices";
    private int maxRating = 10;
    private int rating;

    // methods 

    //precondition: Must have maxRating, rating and description before you post it back to the user.
    //rating between 1 and 10, maxRating is set to 10, description of a movie
    public void writeOutput()
        System.out.println("The max rating is: " + maxRating );
        System.out.println("Your rating is: " + rating );

        System.out.println("The rating for" + description + " is " + rating); 
        System.out.println("while the max rating was " + maxRating);

    // PostCondition: Will write maxRating, rating and description to the user.

    //Precondition: description, enter the rating
    public void readInput()
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("What would you rate the movie \"American History x\" out of ten");
        rating = keyboard.nextInt();
    //postcondition: rating will be set to user's input for the movie American History x.



public class MovieRatingTester 
    public static void main(String[] args)

        //object of the class MovieRating
        MovieRating rating1 = new MovieRating();








您的 MovieRating 类(class)缺少 OOP 的一些基本元素,而这正是我认为您应该在本作业中学习的内容。

缺少的第一个元素是构造函数方法,您所做的就是自动为每个新的 MovieRating 分配相同的描述。构造函数的作用是在对象首次构建到系统中时为其赋予唯一的值。


第二件事是放置 getter/setter,这些方法可以访问您的私有(private)值,并将用于分配/获取它们的值。请注意它们在代码中的使用:

import java.util.*;
public class MovieRating 

// instance variables
private String description;
private int maxRating;
private int rating;

/*This is the constructor
  Note the use of .this - the expression is used to call the class form withing  
public MovieRating(String description, int maxRating, int rating) {

/*These are the getters and setters - get is used for getting the value
  and set is used for assigning a value to it*/
public String getDescription() {
    return description;

public void setDescription(String description) {
    this.description = description;

public int getMaxRating() {
    return maxRating;

public void setMaxRating(int maxRating) {
    this.maxRating = maxRating;

public int getRating() {
    return rating;

public void setRating(int rating) {
    this.rating = rating;

//This is a method for the printing commands - notice the use of the get methods//
public void printRatings()
    System.out.println("The max rating is: " + this.getMaxRating() );
    System.out.println("Your rating is: " + this.getRating() );

    System.out.println("The rating for" + this.getDescription() + " is " + 
    System.out.println("while the max rating was " + this.getMaxRating();

// PostCondition: Will write maxRating, rating and description to the user.

/*Precondition: description, enter the rating
  Note the use of this.setRating()*/
public void readInput()
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("What would you rate the movie \"American History x\" out of ten");
//postcondition: rating will be set to user's input for the movie American History x.



MovieRating rating1 = new MovieRating("description 1", 10, 5);
MovieRating rating2 = new MovieRating("description 2", 9, 7);

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