java - 我需要在这里检查 Thread.isAlive() 吗?

标签 java multithreading

在 Web Controller 中,我有一个接收请求的父线程。有些请求需要很长时间才能处理。为了防止客户端超时,我将父线程设置为每 2 秒发回一个字节,而子线程正在执行操作的耗时部分。



    // This is my runnable class
    ProcessorRunnable runnable = new ProcessorRunnable(settings, Thread.currentThread());
    Thread childThread = new Thread(runnable);

    boolean interrupted = false;
    while (!runnable.done) { // <-- Check in question
        outputStream.write(' ');
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // If the runnable is done, then this was an expected interrupt
            // Otherwise, remember the interruption and re-interrupt after processing is done
            // Or with self so that a later expected interrupt won't clear out an earlier unexpected one
            interrupted = interrupted || !runnable.done;
    if (runnable.runtimeException != null) {
        LOG.error("Propagating runtime exception from thread");
        throw runnable.runtimeException;

    // ... Further processing on the results provided by the child thread

这是 ProcessorRunnable:

    private volatile boolean done;
    private volatile Result result;
    private volatile RuntimeException runtimeException;

    // ...

    public void run() {
        done = false;
        try {
            result = myService.timeConsumingOperation(settings);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            runtimeException = e;
        } finally {
            done = true;

我的问题是,在父线程的主循环中添加 && Thread.isAlive() 检查会给我带来什么吗? 似乎在finally block 中设置done = true应该可以解决问题,但是在某些情况下,这个子线程可能会在不通知父线程的情况下死亡?


子线程中的finally总是会在完成之前执行。即使该线程被中断或停止,也会通过异常导致调用堆栈冒泡并触发所有finally。因此,如果子线程被中断,done 将始终为 true。

对于这样的后台任务,您可能需要使用 ExecutorService 而不是原始线程。您可以将 Runnable 提交给 ExecutorService,然后只需对返回的 future 调用 get() 即可阻塞,直到完成为止。如果您想在等待时打印出空格,可以使用循环,调用带有超时的 get() 版本。

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