java - 如何使for循环扫描器代码下降一定数量?

标签 java for-loop java.util.scanner

如何使 for 循环扫描器代码下降到设定的数量? 例如,输入 30,然后输入 3,然后向下输入 30、27、24、21 等。

这就是我到目前为止所拥有的。我希望 int y 代表一次删除的数量。

import java.util.Scanner; // ...

public class b
  public static void main(String[] args) {  
    int x,y;

    Scanner scannerObject = new Scanner(;
    System.out.println("how many  bottles hanging on the wall");

    x = scannerObject.nextInt();
    System.out.println("how many  bottles are taken down the wall");

    y = scannerObject.nextInt();
    for (int counter = x; counter > 0; counter--)
      if (counter == 1)
        System.out.println(" " + counter + "  bottle hanging on the wall");
        System.out.println(" " + counter + "  bottles hanging on the wall");

      System.out.println("And if one  bottle should accidently fall, ");

    System.out.println("No  bottles hanging on the wall");


x = x - y;放入for循环内。这将使 x 代表当前卡在墙上的瓶子数量,即,在您的示例中,x 每次迭代都会减少 3。

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