java - 是否可以在http请求中获取输入设备详细信息

标签 java servlets httprequest


我想知道,使用 httpservlet 请求对象是否可以实现这一点。


查看 HTTP header USER-AGENTheaders

This line if present gives the software program used by the original client. This is for statistical purposes and the tracing of protocol violations. It should be included. The first white space delimited word must be the software product name, with an optional slash and version designator. Other products which form part of the user agent may be put as separate words.

  <field>   =   User-Agent: <product>+
    <product> =   <word> [/<version>]
    <version> =   <word>


           User-Agent:  LII-Cello/1.0  libwww/2.5


Header[] allHeaders = req.getAllHeaders();

每个 header 对象都包含名称和值。

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