windows - Segoe UI 替代方案 : Segoe UI does not support Asian Languages

标签 windows fonts truetype

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我有一个多语言支持的基于 WINdows 的桌面 UI 应用程序。我用的是Segoe UI字体,非常好。但是不能显示中文或日文字符。

我正在寻找一种与 Segoe UI 一样出色且支持这些语言的字体。


看看this Microsoft page on fonts (强调我的):

Segoe UI includes Latin, Greek, Cyrillic, and Arabic characters. There are new fonts, also optimized for ClearType, created for other character sets and uses. These include Meiryo for Japanese, Malgun Gothic for Korean, Microsoft JhengHei for Chinese (Traditional), Microsoft YaHei for Chinese (Simplified), Gisha for Hebrew, and Leelawadee for Thai, and the ClearType Collection fonts designed for document use.

  • Meiryo
  • Microsoft JhengHei
  • Microsoft YaHei

  • 请注意,其中一些可能需要获得许可。

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