java - 调节字符串

标签 java conditional-statements poker

快速提问。我想知道如何才能做到这一点,以便它仅在用户输入 2-23 之间的数字时运行。

         BufferedReader in;
         int x;
         String playerx;

         //user input for number of players
         in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
         System.out.println("\nWelcome to the Casino!");
         System.out.println("How many players are playing? (2-23)");
         //string for number of players
         playerx = in.readLine(); 
         //convert players to integer
         x = Integer.valueOf(playerx).intValue(); 

         //condition player x so that the number of players are between 2 and 23
         if(playerx.compareTo("1")==0 && playerx.compareTo("24")==0) {
            System.out.println("\nSorry, there are either not enough players or not enough cards for that option.");
        }else { 


由于您已经有了玩家数量的 int 值,即 x,因此最好进行比较以保持简单。


     if(playerx.compareTo("1")==0 && playerx.compareTo("24")==0) {

     if(x > 1 && x > 24) {

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