Java GSON解析——数组和嵌套类

标签 java json gson

我正在调用第三方 REST 服务来获取求职者详细信息,它以 JSON 格式发回响应。 JSON 数据看起来像

   "Id": 1
  "County": "sample string 16",
  "Country": "sample string 17",
  "AtAddressSinceMonth": 1,
  "AtAddressSinceYear": 1,
  "AtAddressUntilMonth": 1,
  "AtAddressUntilYear": 1,
   "DateOfBirth": "2013-12-11T14:25:27.3753327-05:00",
   "Documents": [
        "Type": "sample string 1",
        "Description": "sample string 2",
        "File": "sample string 3"
        "Type": "sample string 1",
        "Description": "sample string 2",
        "File": "sample string 3"

    "Events": [
        "StartDateTime": "2013-12-11T14:25:27.3753327-05:00",
        "EndDateTime": "2013-12-11T14:25:27.3753327-05:00",
        "Description": "sample string 3",
        "Attendees": [
            "EmailAddress": "sample string 1",
            "FirstName": "sample string 2",
            "LastName": "sample string 3"
            "EmailAddress": "sample string 1",
            "FirstName": "sample string 2",
            "LastName": "sample string 3"
        "StartDateTime": "2013-12-11T14:25:27.3753327-05:00",
        "EndDateTime": "2013-12-11T14:25:27.3753327-05:00",
        "Description": "sample string 3",
        "Attendees": [
            "EmailAddress": "sample string 1",
            "FirstName": "sample string 2",
            "LastName": "sample string 3"
    "Id": 1,
   "County": "sample string 16",
    "Country": "sample string 17",
    "AtAddressSinceMonth": 1,
    "AtAddressSinceYear": 1,
   "AtAddressUntilMonth": 1,
   "AtAddressUntilYear": 1,



此外,还使用变量 protected List jobSeeker 创建了另一个类 ArrayOfJobSeeker;我的类定义如下

public class ArrayOfJobSeeker {

protected List<ArrayOfJobSeeker.JobSeeker> jobSeeker;

public List<ArrayOfJobSeeker.JobSeeker> getJobSeeker() {
    if (jobSeeker == null) {
        jobSeeker = new ArrayList<ArrayOfJobSeeker.JobSeeker>();
    return this.jobSeeker;

public static class JobSeeker {

    protected String address;

    protected String atAddressSinceMonth;

    protected String atAddressSinceYear;
    protected String atAddressUntilMonth;
    protected String atAddressUntilYear;
    protected String city;
    protected String country;
    protected String county;
    protected XMLGregorianCalendar dateOfBirth;
    protected ArrayOfJobSeeker.JobSeeker.Documents documents;
    protected String emailAddress;
    protected ArrayOfJobSeeker.JobSeeker.Events events;
    protected String extension;
    protected String firstName;
    protected String genderCode;
    protected ArrayOfJobSeeker.JobSeeker.HistoryActivities historyActivities;
    protected String id;
    protected String lastName;
    protected String maidenName;
    protected String middleName;


    public static class Documents {

        protected List<ArrayOfJobSeeker.JobSeeker.Documents.Document> document;
        public List<ArrayOfJobSeeker.JobSeeker.Documents.Document> getDocument() {
            if (document == null) {
                document = new ArrayList<ArrayOfJobSeeker.JobSeeker.Documents.Document>();
            return this.document;

          public static class Document {

            protected String description;
            protected String file;
            protected String type;
       }  //end Document
   } // end Documents


我不太确定如何使用 GSON 解析这个嵌套数组,因为此代码会抛出错误

File file = new File("c:/temp/testJSON.txt"); 
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));
Gson gson = new Gson();   
gson.fromJson(br, ArrayOfJobSeeker.class) 




引用您在问题中的评论,您的代码是否真的打印了整个 json 字符串?我认为你只会得到第一个元素。

JsonArray jarray = new JsonParser().parse(json).getAsJsonArray();
for (JsonElement e : jarray) {
    JsonObject jobSeeker = e.getAsJsonObject();

    JsonArray events = e.get("Events").getAsJsonArray();
    JsonArray documents = e.get("Documents").getAsJsonArray();
    // iterate the array, deserialize the objects and do your work

    // deal with the job seeker;


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