java - 从 GWT 调用一些在线服务

标签 java gwt

我有这段 JavaScript 代码,它与服务连接并发送回结果。

现在的要求是从纯 Java 调用相同的服务。

下面是调用该服务的 javascript 代码。

如果有人可以指导我在我的 GWT 应用程序中将此 Javascript 转换为 Java


         function verifyValidationSyntax(textToValidate)

         var url = "";  
         var client = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", url, false);
         client.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
         if (client.responseText==='true') {
         return "true";
         } else {
        return "false";



我不会转换你的代码,但这是 docs 中最甜蜜的例子

String url = "";
RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET, URL.encode(url));

try {
  Request request = builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback() {
    public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception) {
       // Couldn't connect to server (could be timeout, SOP violation, etc.)

    public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response response) {
      if (200 == response.getStatusCode()) {
          // Process the response in response.getText()
      } else {
        // Handle the error.  Can get the status text from response.getStatusText()
} catch (RequestException e) {
  // Couldn't connect to server


To use the HTTP types in your application, you'll need to first inherit the GWT HTTP module by adding the following tag to your module XML file:

<inherits name="" />

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