python - Windows 如何将 pe 文件链接到它在目录文件中的签名?

标签 python windows security certificate signtool

运行 signtool.exe verify/a/v C:\Windows\notepad.exe 我可以看到 notepad.exe 的签名在 C:\Windows\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE}\。 signtool 如何知道此 pe 文件的签名所在的位置?

我正在尝试在 python 中复制此 signtool 行为。获得目录文件后,我可以使用下面的代码获取证书信息,但我看不到 Windows 如何将文件链接到目录。

import win32com.client
catpath = "C:\\Windows\\system32\\CatRoot\\{F----E}\\"
signedCode = win32com.client.Dispatch('capicom.signedcode')
certs = signedCode.Certificates
for cert in certs:
    print cert.Archived
    print cert.IssuerName
    print cert.SerialNumber
    print cert.SubjectName
    print cert.Thumbprint
    print cert.ValidFromDate
    print cert.ValidToDate
    print cert.Version



Disclaimer: the followings is a rough guess based on testing as the exact process is undocumented.

Windows scans through every cat file in System32\CatRoot\{F7--EE}, add them to the system catalog database and roughly sort them by each entry's file hash/tag value.
(revealed by CatRoot2\dberr.txt which contains the log for the database process)
The database is the file System32\CatRoot2\{F7--EE}\catdb.
Inside catdb, a file hash is followed by its cat file name in CatRoot\{F7--EE}.
Note the hash excludes PE checksum & Certificate Table Entry.
The hash can be obtained from SignTool verify /v or this.

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