java - 更改 Eclipse 中的返回类型错误

标签 java eclipse return-type

我在 Eclipse 中不断收到以下错误:

"The method printf(String, Object[]) in the type PrintStream is not applicable for the arguments (String, String)"


public class names {

private String nameOne;
  public void setName(String name){
  public String getName(){
     return nameOne;
  public void saying(){
     System.out.printf("Your name is %s", getName());



The issue was due to the wrong Compiler compliance level

要解决这个问题,您必须通过执行此操作来更改 Eclipse 中的编译器合规级别

1) 右键单击​​您的项目

2) 单击“属性”


4) 在右侧的 JDK 合规性部分下,将其更改为“1.5”或更高版本

Java Compiler compliance level

The Compiler compliance level indicates that which JDK level of source must be used for compilation.


If you are using some components which is defined in earlier versions of Java JDK and was removed from the later versions. Then you must use the older version of JDK to compile your code. For this the eclipse provide the use of multiple compliance level, ie; even if you are using the latest version of JDK. You can tell the compiler to compile with an older version.

JDK 1.5 在 类中实现了 printf() 方法,该方法提供与 C 语言 stdio 库中 printf 函数相同的格式化功能。 关注Other Developer-Friendly Enhancements了解详情。

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