java - 在 ANTLR 解析器中跳过空格

标签 java parsing antlr antlr4


WS : [ \r\t\n]+ -> channel(HIDDEN) ;


我使用最新版本的 ANTLR4



在 v3 中,如果您在解析树时寻找 token ,您会执行类似的操作:

getPreviousTokenInHiddenChannel(retval, input);
public String getPreviousTokenInHiddenChannel(TreeRuleReturnScope retval, TreeNodeStream input) {
try {
    TokenStream tstream = input.getTokenStream();
    CommonTree node = (CommonTree) retval.start;
    int boundary = node.getTokenStopIndex();
    if (boundary <= 0) { // fix for antlr 3.3 bug, from 3.5 getTokenStartIndex should itself resolve parent's boundaries if <= 0
        while (node.getTokenStartIndex() == -1) { // if node is imaginary
          node = (CommonTree) node.getParent(); 
          if (node == null) return ""; // means we are root
          boundary = node.getTokenStopIndex();
          if (boundary > 0) break;   
    int i = boundary;
    while (true) {
      Token tok = tstream.get(i); 
      if (tok.getChannel() == HIDDEN) {
        // do what you want to do
  } catch (Exception e) {
    // handle e

您可以使用类似的内容(伪代码)轻松地将这段代码改编为 v4:

BufferedTokenStream bts;
// retrieve bts
List<Token> hiddenTokens = bts.getHiddenTokensToLeft(bts.index(), HIDDEN);
// loop backwards over the list 
for (int i = hiddenTokens.size(); i--; i >= 0) {
    Token t = hiddenTokens.get(i)
    // process your hidden token

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