Java 循环输出错误

标签 java arrays



package SimpleJavaAssignment;

import java.util.*;

public class Company
  ArrayList<Department> deptList = new ArrayList<Department>();

  public Department checkDepartment(String name)
    for(Department dept: deptList)
      return dept;
    Department d = new Department(name);
    return d;

  public static void main(String[] args)

    System.out.println ("Please enter the employee information. First Name, Last Name, Age and Department, and press enter.");
    System.out.println ("Once complete entering employee information, press enter a second time.");

    Scanner in = new Scanner(;
    Company c = new Company();
    String input = in.nextLine();

    while(in.hasNextLine() && input.length() != 0)

    String[] inputArray = input.split(" ");
      Department d = c.checkDepartment(inputArray[0]);
      d.newEmployee(Integer.parseInt(inputArray[2]), inputArray[1], d);
      input = in.nextLine();
    for(Department dept:c.deptList)
      ArrayList<Employee> empList = dept.getEmployees();
      for(Employee emp: empList)


Employee Name: Bob Jones Employee Age: 38 Department: Marketing   Age Is A Prime: false
Employee Name: Alonzo Morris Employee Age: 54 Department: Accounting Age Is A Prime: false
Employee Name: Beth Moore Employee Age: 27 Department: Tech Age Is A Prime: false


Employee Name: Jones Employee Age: 38 Department: Bob Age Is A Prime: false
Employee Name: Morris Employee Age: 54 Department: Alonzo Age Is A Prime: false
Employee Name: Moore Employee Age: 27 Department: Beth Age Is A Prime: false



 String[] inputArray = input.split(" ");
 Department d = c.checkDepartment(inputArray[3]);
 d.newEmployee(Integer.parseInt(inputArray[2]), inputArray[0] + " " + inputArray[1], d);

请注意,split 在所有空格上进行拆分,包括每个员工的名字和姓氏。

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