java - 如果@before在构造函数之后执行,那么如何初始化该类?

标签 java constructor junit4 oracle-adf

我正在 Oracle ADF 中准备一些 JUnit 测试,我很惊讶,因为我看到测试类的构造函数在 @before setup() 方法之前执行...

问题是构造函数需要初始化变量,我从设置方法中将这些变量设置为构造函数...从逻辑上讲,我总是得到一个漂亮的 NullPointerException...




也许你可以使用 JUnit 的 @BeforeClass注释。

Sometimes several tests need to share computationally expensive setup (like logging into a database). While this can compromise the independence of tests, sometimes it is a necessary optimization. Annotating a public static void no-arg method with @BeforeClass causes it to be run once before any of the test methods in the class. The @BeforeClass methods of superclasses will be run before those the current class.

@Before :

When writing tests, it is common to find that several tests need similar objects created before they can run. Annotating a public void method with @Before causes that method to be run before the Test method. The @Before methods of superclasses will be run before those of the current class.

关于java - 如果@before在构造函数之后执行,那么如何初始化该类?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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