java - android java 字符串操作

标签 java equivalent

此 PHP 代码的等效 Java 是什么?

//print string plus/with variable     
$mystring = "this is string " .$string

//print sum one + two
$count = $one + $two

//print sum one*two
$count = $one * $two



String mystring= "this is string " + string; // here `string` is aloso  String  object

* if count ,one and two all of them are int
int count = one + two;

int count = one * two;

但我建议在开始 android 之前先学习 java 基础知识。正如您所了解的 php,学习 java 语法不会花费很长时间。

关于java - android java 字符串操作,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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