java - 为什么空异常运行时错误出现在 line `outputFile.println("Package : "+ letter);` ?

标签 java runtime-error filewriter printwriter argumentnullexception

我的代码当前已编译并运行。然而,当程序到达 outputFile.println("Package: " + letter); 行时,程序崩溃了。为什么 outputFile.println("Package: " + letter);及其他outputFile.println("");导致程序崩溃并且不打印到文件dataFile ?是dataFile甚至在 try-catch block 执行时被创建?

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.InputMismatchException;
import java.lang.NullPointerException;

public  class Lab5backup
    public static void main (String[] args) {
        Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
        NumberFormat fmtCurr = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();

        System.out.print("Data file of prior internet usage: ");
        String dataFile = keyboard.nextLine();

        File file = null;           
        Scanner openFile = null;        
        FileWriter writeFile = null;    
        PrintWriter outputFile = null;  

        boolean invalid;
            try {
                openFile = new Scanner(file);
                writeFile = new FileWriter(dataFile, true);
                outputFile = new PrintWriter(writeFile);
                invalid = false;
            catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
                System.out.print("No such file exists; creating it.\n");
                invalid = true;
            catch (NullPointerException npe) {
                System.out.print("No such file exists; creating it.\n");
                invalid = true;
            catch (IOException ioe) {
                invalid = true;

        File inFile = new File(dataFile);

        if (inFile.exists()) {
            averageHours = openFile.nextDouble();
            averagePaid = openFile.nextDouble();
            totalPaid = openFile.nextDouble();
            System.out.println("Usage history: ");
            System.out.println("  Average Hours Used: " + averageHours);
            System.out.println("  Average Paid: " + averagePaid);
            System.out.println("  Total Paid: " + fmtCurr.format(totalPaid));
           //create and validate variables here
           //taken out of example because not important to question

            outputFile.println("Package: " + letter);

            if (openFile.hasNextDouble()) 
                averageHours = ((hours + openFile.nextDouble())/numOfHourInputs++);
            outputFile.println("Hours: " + hours);

            if (openFile.hasNextDouble())
                averagePaid = ((charge + openFile.nextDouble())/numOfCharges++);
            outputFile.println("Charge: " + charge);    
            outputFile.println("Average Hours: " + averageHours);
            outputFile.println("Average Paid: " + averagePaid);
            totalPaid += charge;
            outputFile.println("Total Paid: " + totalPaid);


    } //end of main method


当您将 file 变量传递到此行的扫描器构造函数时,该变量为 null:

openFile = new Scanner(file);

此行将引发 NullPointerException,因为参数不能为 null,以便扫描器正确初始化。

代码中的扫描仪openFile似乎引用了代码中未直接指定的其他文件。鉴于此,我假设您正在尝试将用户传递的文件(表示为 dataFile)加载到扫描仪中进行处理。为此,您可以使用采用字符串文件名/路径名的 File 构造函数。

新文件的 Javadoc(字符串路径名):

Creates a new File instance by converting the given pathname string into an abstract pathname. If the given string is the empty string, then the result is the empty abstract pathname.


Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
NumberFormat fmtCurr = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance();

double averageHours = 0;
double averagePaid = 0;
double totalPaid = 0;

System.out.print("Data file of prior internet usage: ");
String dataFile = keyboard.nextLine();

File file = new File(dataFile);

// Your code continued below...

注意:您似乎已经对文件变量 inFile 执行了此操作。我建议您要么将该声明移至顶部(并将其传递到 openFile 扫描器中),要么完全删除它并在其余代码中使用您的 file 对象.

关于java - 为什么空异常运行时错误出现在 line `outputFile.println("Package : "+ letter);` ?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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