
标签 java

所以我在学校有一门计算机科学类(class),我们在其中学习 Java。我们被分配做一个简单的基于文本的猜谜游戏。到目前为止我已经完成了,但我似乎无法找到我搞砸的地方,因为当我运行核心时没有打印任何内容。


    public class GuessGame 
  public static void main(String[] args) 
    new GuessGame();
  public GuessGame () 
    char end = 'y';
    while (end!='y')
      System.out.println ("Welcome to the Guessing Game!");
      System.out.println ("\nThe computer has picked a number");
      System.out.println ("between 1 and 100. Try to guess it.");
      int num = (int)(Math.random()*(100-1)+1);
      int guess = IBIO.inputInt ("Guess the number: ");
      if (guess==num)
        System.out.println ("You got it!");
      else if (guess>num)
        System.out.println ("That is too high.");
        System.out.println ("That is too low.");
      end = IBIO.inputChar ("Exit game? (y/n)");

顺便说一下,IBIO 是我的 IB 程序提供的一个类,我们用它来制作输入/输出语句。

这是 IBIO.java:

    public class IBIO
    static void output (String info)
 System.out.println (info);

    static void output (char info)
 System.out.println (info);

    static void output (byte info)
 System.out.println (info);

    static void output (int info)
 System.out.println (info);

    static void output (long info)
 System.out.println (info);

    static void output (double info)
 System.out.println (info);

    static void output (boolean info)
 System.out.println (info);

    static String input (String prompt)
 String inputLine = "";
 System.out.print (prompt);
     inputLine = (new java.io.BufferedReader (new java.io.InputStreamReader (System.in))).readLine ();
 catch (Exception e)
     String err = e.toString ();
     System.out.println (err);
     inputLine = "";
 return inputLine;

    static String inputString (String prompt)
 return input (prompt);

    static String input ()
 return input ("");

    static int inputInt ()
 return inputInt ("");

    static double inputDouble ()
 return inputDouble ("");

    static char inputChar (String prompt)
 char result = (char) 0;
     result = input (prompt).charAt (0);
 catch (Exception e)
     result = (char) 0;
 return result;

    static byte inputByte (String prompt)
 byte result = 0;
     result = Byte.valueOf (input (prompt).trim ()).byteValue ();
 catch (Exception e)
     result = 0;
 return result;

    static int inputInt (String prompt)
 int result = 0;
     result = Integer.valueOf (input (prompt).trim ()).intValue ();
 catch (Exception e)
     result = 0;
 return result;

    static long inputLong (String prompt)
 long result = 0;
     result = Long.valueOf (input (prompt).trim ()).longValue ();
 catch (Exception e)
     result = 0;
 return result;

    static double inputDouble (String prompt)
 double result = 0;
     result = Double.valueOf (input (prompt).trim ()).doubleValue ();
 catch (Exception e)
     result = 0;
 return result;

    static boolean inputBoolean (String prompt)
 boolean result = false;
     result = Boolean.valueOf (input (prompt).trim ()).booleanValue ();
 catch (Exception e)
     result = false;
 return result;

很抱歉问了这么长的问题。我是 Java 新手。


计算机正在按照您的指示进行操作。当 GuessGame 的构造函数运行时:

  1. end 声明为 char 局部变量并将其初始化为包含 'y':

    char end = 'y';
  2. end 不包含 'y' 时运行循环体:

    while (end!='y')

    (因为 end 确实包含'y',所以它运行循环体;它跳到循环后的代码)。

关于猜谜游戏的Java代码不打印任何内容,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29000103/


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